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Inv misc pocketwatch 01
  • 10 Achievement points
  • Complete all of the pet battle daily quests listed below in a single day.
  • Criteria:
    • Outland Dailys
    • Grand Master Trixxy
    • Cataclysm Dailies
    • Pandaren Spirit Dailys
    • Azeroth Dailies - A/H
    • Grand Master Lydia Accoste
    • Northrend Dailies
    • Pandaria Dailies
    • Beasts of Fable Dailies
  • Reward: Icon upgradestone rare [Marked Flawless Battle-Stone]

The Longest Day is a pet battles achievement awarded for completing 41 pet battle daily quests within one daily quest reset period.

Players only need to complete either the Alliance or the Horde Azeroth daily quests, not both, to satisfy the "Azeroth Dailys - A/H" criterion.


Quest Category Zone Coords
H [1-70] Analynn Azeroth H Ashenvale [20.2, 29.4]VZ-AshenvaleBlip
N [1-70] Beasts of Fable Book I Beasts of Fable Pandaria
N [1-70] Beasts of Fable Book II Beasts of Fable Pandaria
N [1-70] Beasts of Fable Book III Beasts of Fable Pandaria
N [1-70] Beegle Blastfuse Northrend Howling Fjord [28.6, 33.8]VZ-Howling FjordBlip
A [1-70] Bill Buckler Azeroth A Cape of Stranglethorn [51.4, 73.2]VZ-Cape of StranglethornBlip
N [1-70] Bordin Steadyfist Cataclysm Deepholm [49.8, 57.0]VZ-DeepholmBlip
N [1-70] Brok Cataclysm Mount Hyjal [61.4, 23.8]VZ-Mount HyjalBlip
N [1-70] Burning Pandaren Spirit Pandaren Spirit Townlong Steppes [57.0, 42.2]VZ-Townlong SteppesBlip
H [1-70] Cassandra Kaboom Azeroth H Southern Barrens [39.6, 79.2]VZ-Southern BarrensBlip
H [1-70] Dagra the Fierce Azeroth H Northern Barrens [58.6, 53.0]VZ-Northern BarrensBlip
A [1-70] David Kosse Azeroth A Hinterlands [62.8, 54.6]VZ-HinterlandsBlip
A [1-70] Deiza Plaguehorn Azeroth A Eastern Plaguelands [67.0, 52.4]VZ-Eastern PlaguelandsBlip
A [1-70] Durin Darkhammer Azeroth A Burning Steppes [25.6, 47.4]VZ-Burning SteppesBlip
H [1-70] Elena Flutterfly Azeroth H Moonglade [46.0, 60.4]VZ-MoongladeBlip
A [1-70] Eric Davidson Azeroth A Duskwood [19.8, 44.8]VZ-DuskwoodBlip
A [1-70] Everessa Azeroth A Swamp of Sorrows [76.6, 41.4]VZ-Swamp of SorrowsBlip
N [1-70] Flowing Pandaren Spirit Pandaren Spirit Dread Wastes [61.2, 87.4]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
N [1-70] Goz Banefury Cataclysm Twilight Highlands [56.6, 56.8]VZ-Twilight HighlandsBlip
N [1-70 Daily] Grand Master Aki Pandaria Vale of Eternal Blossoms [67.6, 40.4]VZ-Vale of Eternal BlossomsBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Antari Outland Shadowmoon Valley [30.4, 41.8]VZ-Shadowmoon ValleyBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Hyuna Pandaria Jade Forest [48.0, 54.0]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Lydia Accoste Lydia Accoste Deadwind Pass [40.2, 76.4]VZ-Deadwind PassBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Mo'ruk Pandaria Krasarang Wilds [65.2, 45.8]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Nishi Pandaria Valley of the Four Winds [46.0, 43.6]VZ-Valley of the Four WindsBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Obalis Cataclysm Uldum [56.6, 41.8]VZ-UldumBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Payne Northrend Icecrown [77.4, 19.6]VZ-IcecrownBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Shu Pandaria Dread Wastes [55.0, 37.4]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Trixxy Trixxy Winterspring [65.6, 64.4]VZ-WinterspringBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Yon Pandaria Kun-Lai Summit [35.8, 73.6]VZ-Kun-Lai SummitBlip
N [1-70] Grand Master Zusshi Pandaria Townlong Steppes [36.2, 52.2]VZ-Townlong SteppesBlip
H [1-70] Grazzle the Great Azeroth H Dustwallow Marsh [53.8, 74.8]VZ-Dustwallow MarshBlip
N [1-70] Gutretch Northrend Zul'Drak [13.2, 66.8]VZ-Zul'DrakBlip
A [1-70] Julia Stevens Azeroth A Elwynn Forest [41.6, 83.6]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
H [1-70] Kela Grimtotem Azeroth H Thousand Needles [31.8, 32.8]VZ-Thousand NeedlesBlip
A [1-70] Kortas Darkhammer Azeroth A Searing Gorge [35.4, 27.6]VZ-Searing GorgeBlip
A [1-70] Lindsay Azeroth A Redridge Mountains [33.2, 52.6]VZ-Redridge MountainsBlip
H [1-70] Merda Stronghoof Azeroth H Desolace [57.2, 45.8]VZ-DesolaceBlip
N [1-70] Morulu The Elder Outland Shattrath City [59.0, 70.0]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip
N [1-70] Narrok Outland Nagrand [61.0, 49.4]VZ-NagrandBlip
N [1-70] Nearly Headless Jacob Northrend Crystalsong Forest [50.2, 59.0]VZ-Crystalsong ForestBlip
N [1-70] Nicki Tinytech Outland Hellfire Peninsula [64.4, 49.2]VZ-Hellfire PeninsulaBlip
N [1-70] Okrut Dragonwaste Northrend Dragonblight [59.0, 77.0]VZ-DragonblightBlip
A [1-70] Old MacDonald Azeroth A Westfall [60.8, 18.6]VZ-WestfallBlip
N [1-70] Ras'an Outland Zangarmarsh [17.2, 50.4]VZ-ZangarmarshBlip
A [1-70] Steven Lisbane Azeroth A Northern Stranglethorn [46.0, 40.4]VZ-Northern StranglethornBlip
N [1-70] Thundering Pandaren Spirit Pandaren Spirit Kun-Lai Summit [64.8, 93.6]VZ-Kun-Lai SummitBlip
H [1-70] Traitor Gluk Azeroth H Feralas [59.6, 49.6]VZ-FeralasBlip
N [1-70] Whispering Pandaren Spirit Pandaren Spirit Jade Forest [28.8, 36.0]VZ-Jade ForestBlip
H [1-70] Zoltan Azeroth H Felwood [40.0, 56.6]VZ-FelwoodBlip
H [1-70] Zonya the Sadist Azeroth H Stonetalon Mountains [59.6, 71.4]VZ-Stonetalon MountainsBlip
H [1-70] Zunta Azeroth H Durotar [43.8, 28.8]VZ-DurotarBlip


The timer starts when the first quest is turned in, so fill up the quest log with completed difficult quests, then as soon as possible after the daily quest reset time, turn in as many quests as possible while working on the remainder.

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