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For the Borean Tundra quest, see N [10-30] The Lost Spirits.
HordeThe Lost Spirit
Start Bwonsamdi
End Princess Talanji
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category The Shadow Hunter
Experience 1,800
Reputation +10 Zandalari Empire
+10 Darkspear Trolls
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous H [50] You Owe Me a Spirit
Next H [50] Spirit Call


Speak with Princess Talanji in the Port of Zandalar.


It high time you an' I had a talk about ol' Vol'jin's missin' spirit.

Dis goes beyond simple bargains and rights of passage. Spirits don' just go missin'.

You gotta few friends dat are gonna help ya track Vol'jin's spirit down. Dem who was friends to him in life should have da strength to find him in death. And if not, Talanji gonna help ya.

Go to Talanji's ship in da Port of Zandalar. It be dat banged up ship ya came in on. You gonna do a little seance.


You will receive:


I am here because Master Gadrin and Rokhan asked for my aid and it is my gratitude for their deeds and yours that makes me willing to do this.

NOT because Bwonsamdi insisted.

If he can't keep track of his own spirits that is a "him" problem, not a "me" problem.


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