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AllianceThe Mantid
Start Ambassador Han [24.9, 34.4]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
End Ambassador Len [15.7, 39.7]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Krasarang Wilds
Experience 129000
Rewards Item level 399 chestpieces
10g 20s
Previous A [15-35] No Sister Left Behind, A [15-35] Sever Their Supply Line, A [15-35] Re-Reclaim
Next A [15-35] The Lord Reclaimer
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-35] The Mantid.


Kill 10 Ik'thik Mantid.

  • Ik'tik Mantid slain × 10


The mantid! They came out of nowhere and smashed our convoy to ruin, scattering our people this way and that.

Now they are preparing to hit Stoneplow.

Please, <class>, destroy some of these beasts before they get sufficient numbers to flank our home.

If my cousin, Ambassador Len, is still alive and at our convoy he should be able to reward you for your help.


Item level 399 chestpieces
Inv chest cloth panda b 02 blue [Nayeli Robe] Inv chest leather panda b 02 crimson [Mortbreath Robes]
Inv chest mail panda b 02red [Deepwild Armor] Inv chest plate panda b 01blue [Narsong Chestguard]
Inv chest cloth panda b 02 blue [Angkhal Robe] Inv chest leather panda b 02 crimson [Riverblade Tunic]
Inv chest mail panda b 02red [Sarjun Chestguard] Inv chest plate panda b 01blue [Korjan Chestpiece]
Inv chest plate panda b 01blue [Dojani Chestpiece]

You will also receive: 10g 20s


It has been many thousands of years since mantid have been seen on this side of the Great Wall.


Thank you for your help, <class>! I've never seen anybody stand up to the mantid like that before.

Well, other than the Shadow-Pan, of course...


  • 129000 XP


On accept:

Kor Bloodtusk says: Face these "mantid", <name>, and we'll continue our assault on the mogu. With luck, we should join you shortly.

Head due west through the Forbidden Jungle to find what's left of the Shattered Convoy. Heavily wounded Stoneplow Envoys litter the ground and Ik'thik Precursors are swarming the area. Ambassador Len and Lorekeeper Vaeldrin are on the road itself—Vaeldin offers A [15-35] The Stoneplow Convoy. Pick it up before killing too many mantid.


  1. A [15-35] Going on the Offensive
  2. A [15-35] No Sister Left Behind & A [15-35] Sever Their Supply Line & A [15-35] Re-Reclaim
  3. A [15-35] The Mantid & A [15-35] The Stoneplow Convoy
  4. A [15-35] The Lord Reclaimer
  5. A [15-35] The Waters of Youth
  6. A [15-35] Warn Stoneplow

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