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For the second version, see N [51-60] A Wayward Disciple?.
NeutralThe Missing Acolyte
Start Eridia
End Eridia
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Bastion
Experience 8,050
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] A Temple In Need
N [51-60] On the Edge of a Revelation
Next N [51-60] Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend


Locate Acolyte Nikolon and escort him back to Eridia.

  • Find the missing acolyte
  • Escort Acolyte Nikolon ro Eridia


Now I can reveal my true intentions for you, <name>.

One of my Acolytes has gone missing.

His name is Nikolon. You and he share a similar background. At the very least, he died on your world. It may be possible for you to help him overcome the challenge he is currently facing.

Find him and return him to me. He was quite fond of a quiet meditation vista to the north of here.

He may not return inmmediately, but I trust he will make the right choice in the end.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 8,050 XP

You will also able to choose one of these rewards:


Thank you for bringing him to me, <name>. He is in a worse state than any of us might have guessed.


Approaching Acolyte Nikolon
Acolyte Nikolon says: Leave me to my meditation, Aspirant.
Talking to him

<The Acolyte appears to be deep in thought. He does not look at you.>

You had better seek another Acolyte, Aspirant. I cannot help you.

Gossip Eridia asked me to find you.
Acolyte Nikolon says: They do not trust me to master this on my own.
He starts to walk.
Acolyte Nikolon says: I knew I would have to face her eventually.
Acolyte Nikolon says: Many times have I attempted this cleansing.
Acolyte Nikolon says: I can still hear my love's voice. I can still see her face.
Acolyte Nikolon says: She is the best part of me.
Acolyte Nikolon says: Eridia will take her from me... No! No!
Congealed Bitterness and Congealed Fear appear.
Acolyte Nikolon says: I need to get out of here!
Acolyte Nikolon says: I wish to keep moving.
Acolyte Nikolon says: Wait...
Nikolon's Burden appears.
Acolyte Nikolon says: My love... You are the reason I am here.
Acolyte Nikolon says: You would have wanted me to see this through.
Nikolon's Burden disappears.
Acolyte Nikolon says: Maybe I can convince her. Surely Eridia will see that this love cannot hurt me.
Acolyte Nikolon says: What if she will not listen? What if she-- AH!
Rising Agony appears.
Acolyte Nikolon says: I have to try. I must!
Eridia says: Welcome back, Acolyte.
Acolyte Nikolon says: Please... help me.


  1. N [51-60] Welcome to Eternity
  2. N [50] The Sacred Covenant
  3. N [50] You Are Expected
  4. N [50] The Fate You Earned
  5. N [50] An Eternity of Service
  6. N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Etherwyrms & N [50] The Cycle of Anima: Adrima's Lily & N [51-60] The Cycle of Anima: Drought Conditions & N [51-60] Suggested Reading
  7. N [51-60] The Work of One's Hands
  8. N [50] All Part of the Process
  9. N [50] The Silence of Combat & N [50] On Your Level
  10. N [50] A Hero In Life
  11. Aspirant's Reflection
  12. N [51-60] The First Cleansing
  13. N [50] One of Us
  14. N [50] A Well Earned Rest
  15. N [51-60] The Temple of Purity
  16. N [50] A Temple In Need & N [51-60] On the Edge of a Revelation
  17. N [50] The Missing Acolyte
  18. N [51-60] Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend

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