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HordeThe Missing Chapter
Start Seshuli
End Seshuli
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Jewelcrafting
Experience 22,300
Rewards Jewelhammer's Focus (spell)
46g 80s
Previous H Jewelcrafting [50] Setting Things Right
H Jewelcrafting [50] Polished Up
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Jewelcrafting [50] The Missing Chapter.


Travel to the location marked on your map and see what you can find.


<Seshuli puts down the journal and looks back up at you.>

While trying to figure out where de shrines reside, I came across an entry dat mentioned him exploring an area dat sounds very similar to Dustwallow Marsh.

It could be a long shot, given when dis earthen roamed Azeroth, but maybe if you retrace his final steps, you may find something.

I'll mark his last location for you on your map.


You will learn the following: Jewelhammer's Focus

You will also receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 22,300 XP


Who knows what you'll find out dere. Hopefully something...


Did you find anything?

<You hand the final chapter and its transcription over to Seshuli. As she reads through it, she reaches the page with the design for the lens and her eyes go wide.>

You found it, <name>! We can make a lens now and use it with de shrines.

Although, de reagents for dis design are quite... rare. Still, you've done it!

It was an honor to work with you on dis, <name>.


Take a portal to Orgrimmar and fly to Brackenwall Village. From there, go northeast to Dreadmurk Shore and look for a small land outcropping with a diving helmet-wearing skeleton. Read the Weathered Journal.[65.8, 17.9]VZ-Dustwallow MarshBlip

Put on the diving helmet and make your way to the north side of the waters off of Alcaz Island. Swim down and you should see a huge underwater cave entrance. Enter it and go southeast to find the entryway to the vault. Looks like there's company...

Vault Guardian yells: WHO DARES ENTER THE VAULT?!
Vault Guardian yells: You shall not recover my master's treasure. Prepare yourself for annihilation, intruder!

After dispatching the guardian, loot the Jewelhammer's Chest for Inv relics 6orunestone ogremissive [The Missing Chapter]. Return to Dazar'alor and speak with Chronicler Grazzul.

Gossip Can you translate this, please?
Chronicler Grazzul says: You found another chapter?! Lucky for you, I haven't returned dose books yet!
Chronicler Grazzul says: I'll have this done for you quick, <name>!
Chronicler Grazzul says: Finished! Here you go.

Return to Seshuli to complete the quest.


  1. H Jewelcrafting [50] A Rocky Start
  2. H Jewelcrafting [50] Digging Through the Past
  3. H Jewelcrafting [50] The Shrine of the Dawning
  4. H Jewelcrafting [50] Out With the Old
  5. H Jewelcrafting [50] A Promising Beginning
  6. Complete all of the following:
  7. H Jewelcrafting [50] The Missing Chapter

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