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NeutralThe Netherstar
Start Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [The Netherstar] [33.0, 41.9]VZ-KorthiaBlip
End Archivist Roh-Suir [62.8, 22.6]VZ-KorthiaBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Korthia
Reputation +500 The Archivists' Codex
Rewards 250x Inv misc paperbundle04a [Cataloged Research]
Previous N [60] Missing Relics

The Netherstar starts from the Inv gizmo khoriumpowercore [The Netherstar] item inside a Korthian Relic Box at the northwestern corner of the Estuary of Awakening. Use the Inv misc key 09 [Key of Flowing Waters], purchased for 25 Inv misc paperbundle04a [Cataloged Research] from Archivist Roh-Suir at Tier 2 (neutral) with the Archivists' Codex to open the box.


Korthian Relic Box

Korthian Relic Box.

Recharge the Netherstar, then bring it to Archivist Roh-Suir in the Reliquary of Remembrance.


<You recognize this relic from the Archivists' Codex.

The power source is nearly empty. However, it could be restored with exposure to raw, unfiltered anima. Nearby fissures would do the trick.>


You will receive:


Anima Fissure

Anima Fissure.

It sounds like you may have located another missing relic?


When we scholars consider relics that are important to keep secured, the Netherstar is precisely the type of relic that we have in mind. Can you imagine how much damage could be done were this to fall into the hands of an... opportunist?


The Netherstar

The Netherstar.

Anima Fissures are found inside the Estuary of Awakening. Interact with the fissures for 5-18% progress each. Interacting with them, will sometimes attract Ravenous Scavengers.

On complete:

Archivist Roh-Suir says: Ah, yes. One step closer to a fully restored Archive!


Archivist Roh-Suir says: Another for the collection. Whatever would I do without your aid?

The netherstar on the shelf reads:

The Netherstar

<The device crackles with an immense amount of self-replenishing energy. So long as it is in the Archivist's possession, it can provide the Lodestaff with sufficient power to locate the relics that have yet to be recovered.

How it is able to generate such continuous power remains a mystery to you.>


  1. N [60] Researching Korthian Relics
  2. N [60] Interrupt the Interrogations
  3. N [60] Carving Out a Path, N [60] The Sundered Staff
  4. N [60] An Infusion of Anima, N [60] Consulting the Experts
  5. N [60] Hope Ascending
  6. N [60] Finding One's True Purpose
  7. N [60] Establishing the Archive
  8. N [60] Beginning the Collection
    • Optional side chain:
    1. N [60] Picking Up the Pieces
    2. N [60] Collecting Research
    3. N [60] Empowering Equipment
  9. N [60] What Must Be Found
  10. N [60] Missing Relics (at Tier 2)
  11. N [60] Lost Vaults (at Tier 3)
  12. N [60] Mysterious Rifts and N [60] Relic Efficiency (at Tier 4)
  13. N [60] The Final Relics (at Tier 5)

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