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NeutralThe Pirate's Treasure
Start Xal'atath
End Xal'atath[75.0, 77.6]VZ-Tiragarde SoundBlip
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Crucible of Storms
Experience 22,300
Rewards Inv glowingazeritecrystal [Glowing Azerite Crystal] (250x Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite])
46g 80s
Previous N [50] Unintended Consequences /
Priest N Priest [50] Unintended Consequences
Next N [50] The Tempest Crown


Find the second relic.


I sense another relic. A trident thought lost to the depths. It calls to me, <name>. Do you hear it too?

Its song takes form. I see a harbor to the east. An ambitious pirate, greedy and proud. Completely unaware of the power hidden within her hoard of gold.

The would-be-captain's hubris will not permit her to simply hand over her prize. I fear she must be taught a rather harsh lesson.

But that is your specialty, is it not?


You will receive:
Inv glowingazeritecrystal [Glowing Azerite Crystal]

You will also receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 22,300 XP


Is the trident in your possession?


I never doubted you for a moment.


This quest is done in the non-instanced version of Freehold.

Quest accept
Xal'atath says: A powerful naga once possessed the trident. Now his underlings seek to recover it.
Xal'atath says: What delicious irony that a pirate keeps such a coveted prize... as a trophy.


  1. N [50] The Azsharan Medallion
  2. B [50] Orders from Azshara / B Priest [50] Orders from Azshara
  3. N [50] Every Little Death Helps / N Priest [50] Every Little Death Helps
  4. N [50] Unintended Consequences / N Priest [50] Unintended Consequences
  5. N [50] The Pirate's Treasure
  6. N [50] The Tempest Crown
  7. B [50] Twist the Knife
  8. Optional:

Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Added.
    Activated 2019-04-09.

External links[]
