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NeutralThe Proper Punishment
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 13,400
Reputation +200 The Avowed
Rewards 75g 81s 60c
Previous N [58-60] An Abuse of Power
Next N [58-60] Ritual of Absolution
File:Fata the Soulflayer.jpg

Fata the Soulflayer
Corrupt venthyr leading the abuse of souls nearby.


Kill Fata the Soulflayer.


Thankfully, I am not the only one who remembers the high calling of the Halls of Atonement and its servants.

These avowed ritualists have been working covertly to preserve the integrity of the halls.

They report that the Lord Chamberlain relies on a particularly gifted soulflayer to teach other ritualists how to corrupt the souls.

Give him the reward he deserves.


You will receive:


There is no excuse for preventing our ancient rituals.


His just reward would be the Maw, but this will have to do.


On accept of all three
The Accuser says: The Lord Chamberlain has perverted the entire process of absolution!
The Accuser says: You and I will tend to needy souls the proper way, without question and without hesitation.
The Accuser says: Meet me inside the Halls of Atonement when you have everything we require.
On approach in the Halls of Atonement
The Accuser says: I am pleased to find that you have not neglected our sacred duty.
Avowed Ritualist says: Never! If even one soul can be saved, it is worth it.


  1. N [58-60] The Absolution of Souls / N [58-60] Our Forgotten Purpose
  2. N [58-60] An Abuse of Power
  3. N [58-60] The Proper Souls, N [58-60] The Proper Tools, and N [58-60] The Proper Punishment
  4. N [58-60] Ritual of Absolution
  5. N [58-60] Ritual of Judgment
  6. N [58-60] Archivist Fane
  7. N [58-60] The Sinstone Archive, N [58-60] Missing Stone Fiend, and N [58-60] Atonement Crypt Key
  8. N [58-60] Rebuilding Temel
  9. N [58-60] Ready to Serve
  10. N [58-60] Hunting an Inquisitor
  11. N [58-60D] Halls of Atonement: Your Absolution

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