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HordeThe Rattle of Bones
Start The Rattle of Bones [43.4, 43.4]VZ-Thousand NeedlesBlip
End Freewind Brave
Level 15-30
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 480-4,820
Rewards 55s
Previous H [15-30] Together Again
Next H [15-30] The Writ of History, H [15-30] The Drums of War
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] The Rattle of Bones.


Give the Rattle of Bones to the Freewind Brave at Darkcloud Pinnacle in Thousand Needles.


A tauren rattle lays here, exuding supernatural power. It's keepers slain, the artifact is undefended.

Surely the brave will have some insight into its significance?

("Surely the brave will have information concerning the Rattle of Bones?")


You will receive: 55s


The fabled Rattle of Bones, <name>!


It is true then! What is it doing here, though? And if it's here, that must mean that the writ and the drums are also nearby!

Maybe there's some link between it and the wind serpent that just appeared? I think that I have an idea what that creature is as well.


On Accept, Arikara, an elite wind serpent spawns and hovers over the player and the brave for a few seconds before flying away to the northwest.

Arikara yells: Follow.


  1. B [15-30] Free Freewind Post
  2. B [15-30] Grimtotem in the Post / B [15-30] Horn of the Traitor / A [15-30] Save the Sentinel / H [15-30] The Brave and the Bold
  3. B [15-30] Together Again
  4. Complete all of:
    1. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: Isha Gloomaxe
    2. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: Elder Stormhoof
    3. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: Grundig Darkcloud
    4. B [15-30] Grimtotem Chiefs: The Chief of Chiefs
    • Artifacts
    1. B [15-30] The Rattle of Bones
    2. B [15-30] The Writ of History / B [15-30] The Drums of War
  5. B [15-30] The Captive Bride
  6. N [15-30] Invoking the Serpent

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