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For other quests with this name, see The Ravaged Caravan.
AllianceThe Ravaged Caravan
Start Huntress Kima
End Huntress Kima
Level 15-30
Category Nagrand
Experience 11650
Reputation +700 Kurenai
Rewards Inv bracer 07 [Manacles of Remembrance] or
Inv jewelry ring 19 [Warmaul Slayer's Band] or
Inv misc cape 18 [Warmaul Defender's Cloak]
3g 70s


Huntress Kima at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to recover 20 Telaar Supply Crates.


I was part of a caravan taking supplies to the Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarsh. As we were nearing the border of the marsh, we were jumped by a vicious squad of Warmaul ogres. They killed the others and took me prisoner, along with all of our supplies.

Thankfully, they neglected to place a backing on my cage. When they fell asleep, I made my escape.

It's too late for my comrades but we could really use the supplies they stole. Warmaul Hill is in the northwestern mountains of Nagrand.


I feel so stupid. Arechron's son, Corki, asked me what happened and I told him. Now he's gone missing again!


Amazing! How did you manage to carry all of that back by yourself?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv bracer 07 [Manacles of Remembrance] Inv jewelry ring 19 [Warmaul Slayer's Band]
Inv misc cape 18 [Warmaul Defender's Cloak]
  • You will also receive: 3g 70s


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