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AllianceThe Razorbloom
Start Thaelin Darkanvil [56.1, 76.9]VZ-GorgrondBlip
End Razzlebeard's Report [47.6, 72.7]VZ-GorgrondBlip
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Experience 21150
Rewards Item level 525 belts
18g 90s
Previous A [15-40] Deeproot
Next A [15-40] The Voice of Iyu, A [15-40] Super Seeds
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-40] Mossy Fate.


Find clues to the whereabouts of Lera Ashtoes, Nori Sootstache, and Razzlebeard.


Kaalya thinks she picked up a trail. Seems a bunch of dwarves went north to Razorbloom by the signs.

Problem is that place is filled with plant people. I ain't much use against plant people.

Are you willing to investigate?


You will receive one of:

Item level 525 belts
Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01belt [Foundry-Fired Plate Girdle] Inv belt cloth draenorquest90 b 01 [Steamburst Cord]
Inv mail draenorquest90 b 01belt [Wildwood Wrangler Belt] Inv belt leather draenorquest90 b 01 [Overgrowth Cutter Belt]

You will also receive: 18g 90s


Curse them botani and their ilk.


The plant people fattened up my friends with fruit an' honey an' mead. Seems they were fattenin' them up for sure.


  • 21150 XP


Pick up A [15-40] The Infested before heading out.

Northeast past the flight path (which got picked up, right?) into the Razorbloom. Start killing Infested Orcs and Infested Behemoths. The three named dwarves are marked on the minimap on the edge of the central pond, but Razzlebeard holds Razzlebeard's Report in his left hand, which concludes the quest.


  1. A [15-40] Deeproot / H [15-40] The Razorbloom
  2. Complete all of:
    • Finding the infected:
    1. A [15-40] The Razorbloom / H [15-40] Mossy Fate
    2. B [15-40] The Voice of Iyu
  3. Complete all of:
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [15-40] Do the Dew / H [15-40] Secrets of the Botani
  6. B [15-40] The Life Spring
  7. A [15-40] A Heavy Helping Hand / H [15-40] Thieving Dwarves
  8. Complete all of:
  9. B [15-40] Iyu
  10. B [15-40] Power of the Genesaur

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