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NeutralThe Relic's Emanation
Start Chu'a'lor
End Chu'a'lor
Level 20-30
Type Daily
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Reputation Ogri'la +350
Rewards 15x Inv misc apexis shard [Apexis Shard]
9g 10s
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [20-30] An Apexis Relic

The Relic's Emanation is a daily quest available after you complete N [20-30] An Apexis Relic.


Chu'a'lor has asked you to return to him at Ogri'la atop the Blade's Edge Mountains after you have gained Apexis Emanations from an Apexis Relic.

  • Apexis Emanations attained


Now that you have felt the enlightening vibrations of the apexis relics, it is time for you to further your understanding of their workings. We are very eager to benefit from your observations!

As you progress in your ability to attune to the relics, you will gain a higher level of knowledge. This recognition will come in the form of an emanation from the relic.

Return to us when you have attained such an emanation.


You will receive:


Do you have the emanation from the apexis relic about you?


You continue to amaze us with your acumen as concerns the relics, <name>. May we suggest that you practice with the relics at least once a day to maintain such a sharp edge to your mental acuity?


The quest requires at least 1 Inv misc apexis shard [Apexis Shard] to activate a crystal. Apexis Shards are received as rewards from other Ogri'la quests, looted from mobs, and gathered from Apexis Shard Formations.

If you complete eight of the tone-sequences correctly, you get a buff that gives you 15% faster ground movement rate in Blade's Edge Mountain plateaus for an hour. If you successfully do enough to finish the quest, you get the same buff for two hours. Continuing after that point does nothing.

Failure to properly complete a sequence will result in you getting shocked for around 3000 damage per misstep, and this can kill: however dying to this does not involve a penalty to your durability.


  1. N [20-30] Speak with the Ogre
  2. N [20-30] Mog'dorg the Wizened / N [20-30] Mog'dorg the Wizened / N [20-30] The Trouble Below
  3. Complete all three to continue:
  4. N [20-30G5] Grim(oire) Business
  5. N [20-30G] Into the Soulgrinder
  6. N [20-30] Speak with Mog'dorg (optional)
  7. N [20-30] Ogre Heaven
  8. N [20-30] The Crystals
    • N [20-30] An Apexis Relic (optional)
      • N [20-30 Daily] The Relic's Emanation
  9. N [20-30] Our Boy Wants To Be A Skyguard Ranger
  10. N [20-30] A Father's Duty (optional)
  11. N [20-30] The Skyguard Outpost
  12. Unlocks the following:
  13. N [20-30G5] To Rule The Skies

Patch changes[]

  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): As of this patch and probably prior, the money reward is 3g 40s and 15 Apexis Shard and +350 Reputation
  • Bc icon Patch 2.2.0 (2007-09-25): the money reward was decreased while the Ogri'la faction reward was increased. Changed money to 9g 10s and +350 Rep.
  • Bc icon Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22): Added.

External links[]
