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HordeThe Shattered Salute
Start Shenthul
End Shenthul
Level 20 (Requires 16)
Category Rogue
Experience 160
Previous H Rogue [24] Rogues of the Shattered Hand
Next H Rogue [21] Deep Cover


Perform the Shattered Salute on Shenthul.

  • Shattered Salute Performed


As a rogue of the Shattered Hand, it is imperative that you learn the Shattered Salute. It is the only way to truly identify another member of the Hand.

Watch, learn, repeat.


You will receive:




Well done, <name>. You are now ready to proceed.


On accept
Shenthul says: <Name>, pay very close attention to what I do and follow my instructions precisely. To not heed my words is to sign your own death warrant, as Taskmaster Fizzule is VERY well versed in the ways of the warrior and the assassin.
Shenthul says: After you get his attention - and you can be certain that if he sees you near the tower, you'll have his undue attention - face him and perform the Shattered /Salute. Let me demonstrate....
Shenthul prepares the Shattered Salute! *PAY ATTENTION!*
Shenthul says: Did you see what I did? If you are unsure of the technique used in presenting the /salute, practice on me. If you correctly execute the Shattered /Salute, I will give you the proper response.

This is a simple quest, and its main purpose is to teach the player the /salute emote (which the player will be required to do in the next quest in the series). Begin the quest and wait a few moments. Shenthul will start talking (in the chat window, not a quest dialog window), and eventually instructs the player watch him carefully as he performs the Shattered Salute. Once he is finished, the player should target him and use the /salute emote. Shenthul should acknowledge the salute and the question mark above him should turn gold. The player may then speak to him again to finish the quest. If there are any problems, the player can abandon the quest and try it again.

Shenthul says: Well done!

This used to be the first quest in the series that results in the player learning the Poisons skill. Since patch 3.0.2 there is no Poison skill.


  1. H Rogue [24] Rogues of the Shattered Hand
  2. H Rogue [20] The Shattered Salute
  3. H Rogue [21] Deep Cover
  4. H Rogue [21] Mission: Possible But Not Probable
  5. H Rogue [21] Hinott's Assistance
  6. H Rogue [21] Hinott's Assistance

Patch changes[]

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