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HordeThe Singing Crystals
Start Kin'weelay
End Kin'weelay
Level 45 (Requires 34)
Category Stranglethorn Vale
Experience 390-3900
Previous H [45] The Fate of Yenniku
Next H [46] The Mind's Eye

In The Singing Crystals, you must collect Pulsing Blue Shards from Basilisks which Kin'weelay will use to control the powerful magic gem, the Inv misc gem diamond 02 [Mind's Eye] in order to save Yenniku.


Bring 3 Pulsing Blue Shards to Kin'weelay in Grom'gol Base Camp.


Legends tell of a jewel, hidden deep in the heart of Stranglethorn. We call it the Mind's Eye, and it has great powers. If you gain this Eye then, perhaps, we can use it to bring lost Yenniku back from the darkness.

I will consult with the spirits of the jungle to find the Mind's Eye. While I do this, you enter the Crystalvein Mine, southeast of here, and gather Pulsing Blue Shards from Ironjaw Basilisks. The shards are rare, but we will need their magic to bend the Mind's Eye to our will.


You will be rewarded with the following:

  • 390-3900 XP


Do you have the shards, <name>? They are needed for my final ritual, after we have the Mind's Eye.


You have done well, <name>. These shards are well formed. Already I hear them sing to me.

And while you were gone, I spoke with the spirits of the jungle. I know where the Mind's Eye rests...

...And who guards it.


The Ironjaw Basilisks can be found in the Crystalvein Mine, which is in Stranglethorn Vale in the mountains east of the Gurubashi Arena. The critters are actually inside the cave, the Basilisks outside are a different type. The shards have an extremely high drop rate so this should take no time at all.


  1. H [34] Hunt for Yenniku
  2. H [37] Headhunting
  3. H [41] Bloodscalp Clan Heads
  4. H [40] Speaking with Nezzliok & H [46] Speaking with Gan'zulah
  5. H [45] The Fate of Yenniku
  6. H [45] The Singing Crystals
  7. H [46] The Mind's Eye
  8. H [46] Saving Yenniku

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