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NeutralThe Soul Blade
Start Bonesmith Heirmir [22.2, 43.6]VZ-Maw-t1Blip
End Bonesmith Heirmir [22.1, 47.3]VZ-Maw-t1Blip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Assault
Reputation +125 The Undying Army
Rewards 25g 74s

The Soul Blade is a potential quest for the N [60B] Night Fae Assault on the Crucible of the Damned and Cocyrus in the Maw.


Willing Soul

Willing Soul

Charge Heirmir's Runeblade with Willing Souls and use it to slay the Eye of Gorgoa.

  • Runeblade charged (0/100%)
  • Eye of Gorgoa slain [19.4, 41.8]VZ-Maw-t1Blip
  • Meet Bonesmith Heirmir on the bridge overlooking the growing darkness.


Eye of Gorgoa

Eye of Gorgoa

The runeblade of a Necrolord can be a potent weapon in this realm. An abundance of souls are willing to contribute their anima to end their own suffering and bring defeat to the Jailer.

Take one of my runeblades and charge it with the anima of the willing souls you find here.

Once charged, use it lay waste to their forces here.


You will receive:


Has my blade tasted victory?


<Bonesmith Heirmir takes her runeblade back from you and examines it carefully.>

Not bad, <name>. Always room for improvement... but not bad.


In Gorgoa: River of Souls, look for friendly Willing Souls, then use the provided Heirmir's Runeblade on them. Each soul is worth 3% progress, but the runeblade does work on an area of effect...

Once the bar is filled, players gain a bonus ability:

Charged Runeblade 8 yd range — Unleash the power of Heirmir's Runeblade to deal heavy damage to nearby enemies. Instant (15 sec cooldown)

Find the Eye of Gorgoa in the center of the Apholeias, Herald of Loss platform. Use the bonus ability and take out the soul seeker.


N [60B] Night Fae Assault, four of:

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