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AllianceThe Stoneplow Convoy
Start Lorekeeper Vaeldrin [15.1, 39.4]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
End Lorekeeper Vaeldrin [15.1, 39.4]VZ-Krasarang WildsBlip
Level 15-35
Category Krasarang Wilds
Experience 129000
Rewards item level 399 cloaks
10g 20s
Previous A [15-35] No Sister Left Behind, A [15-35] Sever Their Supply Line, A [15-35] Re-Reclaim
Next A [15-35] The Lord Reclaimer
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-35] The Stoneplow Convoy.


Use Imperial Lotus Poultice on 7 Stoneplow Envoys.


Help me, <name>. These poor pandaren are in need of healing, and my powers are weakened.

I did find an old tome in my collection that allowed me to convert the herbs you collected earlier into a healing poultice.

Use this on the injured pandaren and it should get them back on their feet.


item level 399 cloaks
Inv cape pandaria b 03 [Imperial Lotus Shawl] Inv cape pandaria b 03 [Imperial Lotus Drape]
Inv cape pandaria b 03 [Imperial Lotus Cape] Inv cape pandaria b 03 [Imperial Lotus Manteau]
Inv cape pandaria b 03 [Imperial Lotus Cloak]

You will also receive:

  • 10g 20s
  • 129000 XP


These mantid are a much bigger threat than I think even the pandaren give them credit for.


It has been a long time since I rolled up my sleeves and helped the needy. In my lust for immortality I forgot why I became a priest.

Thank you for reminding me there is good in this world worth fighting for, <name>.


While looking for the Shattered Convoy in the Forbidden Jungle for A [15-35] The Mantid, Lorekeeper Vaeldrin offers this quest. While killing mantid, use the poltice on wounded envoys littered over the area.


  1. A [15-35] Going on the Offensive
  2. A [15-35] No Sister Left Behind & A [15-35] Sever Their Supply Line & A [15-35] Re-Reclaim
  3. A [15-35] The Mantid & A [15-35] The Stoneplow Convoy
  4. A [15-35] The Lord Reclaimer
  5. A [15-35] The Waters of Youth
  6. A [15-35] Warn Stoneplow

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