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HordeThe Terrible Tinkers of the Ruined Reaches
Start Hobart Grapplehammer
End Hobart Grapplehammer
Level 5-30
Category Azshara
Experience 975
Rewards Inv shield 09 [Hobart's Spare Hubcap] or Inv gizmo goblingtonkcontroller [Spring Gadget]
Previous H [5-30] Befriending Giants
Bingham Gadgetspring

Bingham Gadgetspring
The mustachioed menace.


Slay Bingham Gadgetspring in the Ruined Reaches, along with 4 Netgun Gnomes and 6 Zapper Gnomes.


Scoundrels! Infidels! Ever since I started my operation here in Azshara the Gadgetspring family has hampered my studies and sabotaged my research. And now a mob of middling, second-rate tinkers have rallied to their aid! I have pressing business to attend to: see to it that those gnomes are finished for good.

Head to the Ruined Reaches on the coast, south of my Secret Lab, and start rolling some of their disproportionately enormous heads for me.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv shield 09 [Hobart's Spare Hubcap] Inv gizmo goblingtonkcontroller [Spring Gadget]

You will receive: 6s


I trust you've dug a significant number of tiny graves along the coast, yes?


Oh - marvelous. Tell me more. And that precocious young Gadgetspring? Dead as well? Ah, wonderful. My work here is important but at times I do miss the carnage of demolishing my enemies on a more personal level. Here, perhaps you can make use of some of my discarded equipment.


Head to the southwest, west of the naga path to the beach. Kill gnomes all the way down. Bingham is in the gnomish building at the end of the beach and the laxative for H [5-30] Azsharite Experiment Number One is upstairs. Bingham starts the fight by using his explosive sheep, which hits for ~130 damage, so be careful!


  1. H [5-30] Need More Science
  2. H [5-30] When Science Attacks
    • Side chain:
    1. H [5-30] Bad Science! Bad!
    2. H [5-30] My Favorite Subject
    3. H [5-30] Nine's Plan
    4. H [5-30] Raptor Raptor Rocket
  3. H [5-30] Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped
  4. H [5-30] Mysterious Azsharite / H [5-30] A Gigantic Snack
  5. H [5-30] Befriending Giants
  6. H [5-30] Azsharite Experiment Number One
    • H [5-30] The Terrible Tinkers of the Ruined Reaches
  7. H [5-30] Azsharite Experiment Number Two
  8. H [5-30] A Hello to Arms

Naga side chain

  1. H [5-30] Mortar the Point
  2. H [5-30] Investigating the Sea Shrine
  3. H [5-30] The Keystone Shard
  4. H [5-30] Report to Twocrush
  5. H [5-30] Sisters of the Sea

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