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HordeThe Test of Skulls, Chronalis
Start Emberstrife
End Emberstrife
Level 60 (Requires 56)
Experience 6600
Previous H [60] The Test of Skulls, Somnus
Next H [60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz


Guarding the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris Desert is Chronalis, child of Nozdormu. Destroy him and return his skull to Emberstrife.


The time watchers, children of Nozdormu - Lord of the Centuriesss...

It is three that guard the Caverns of Time, but only one that holds the interests of the Black Flight: The Time Shifter, Chronalis, favored drakeling of Nozdormu.

Ssstrike at this champion, a blow to make even the stoic sands of time weep. Return to me with his skull.


Ironically, whelp, time is of the essencccce.


The most hated remainsss...


This quest was a part of the Onyxia's Lair attunement chain.

  1. H [60D] Warlord's Command
  2. H [60] Eitrigg's Wisdom
  3. H [60R] For The Horde!
  4. H [60] What the Wind Carries
  5. H [60] The Champion of the Horde
  6. H [60] Mistress of Deception
  7. H [60R] Oculus Illusions
  8. H [60R] Emberstrife
  9. H [60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz
  10. H [60] Ascension...
  11. H [60R] Blood of the Black Dragon Champion

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed.
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): The Test of Skulls for Scryer, Somnus, and Chronalis can now all be obtained simultaneously.

External links[]
