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HordeThe Thane of Voldrune
Start Sergeant Nazgrim
End Sergeant Nazgrim
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Rewards Choose one of:
Inv helmet 125 [Headbinder's Crown]
Inv chest leather 01 [Tunic of the Rectified Thane]
Inv pants mail 15 [Legguards of Refuted Feudalism]
Inv helmet 123 [Skull-Reshaper's Helm]
Inv jewelry ring 28 [Thane-Reaper's Signet]
5g 60s
Previous H [15-30] A Show of Strength
Next H [15-30] My Enemy's Friend


Use Flamebringer to defeat Thane Torvald Eriksson and report to Sergeant Nazgrim at Conquest Hold.


With the flame-imbued talismans, we can finally challenge the thane.

His favorite mount is a ferocious proto-drake called Flamebringer. It is kept bound in chains in the western part of Voldrune, but with the power of the talismans, you should be able to bend it to your will and use it against the thane.

Once you have Flamebringer under your control, search the tops of the towers of Voldrune for the thane and use Flamebringer to destroy him.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helmet 125 [Headbinder's Crown] Inv chest leather 01 [Tunic of the Rectified Thane]
Inv pants mail 15 [Legguards of Refuted Feudalism] Inv helmet 123 [Skull-Reshaper's Helm]
Inv jewelry ring 28 [Thane-Reaper's Signet]

You will also receive: 5g 60s


Have you overcome the thane?


The few remaining Dragonflayers dare not challenge us after your battle with the thane. Show no mercy to our enemies - that is the way of the Horde.


  1. H [15-30] The High Executor Needs You
  2. H [15-30] To Conquest Hold, But Be Careful!
  3. H [15-30] The Conqueror's Task
  4. H [15-30] A Show of Strength
  5. H [15-30] The Thane of Voldrune
  6. H [15-30] My Enemy's Friend
  7. H [15-30] Attack on Silverbrook


  • Even though he is located in Voldrune, his death does count towards the H [10-30] Baleheim Bodycount (as of 4/4/2010)
  • Melee characters with Spell frost arcticwinds [Cold Weather Flying] can attack him in close combat (and complete the quest), where he does not cast all the annoying things he does when riding the drake.
  • As of now (11/23) using the proto-drake does not shift druids out of forms, allowing cats and bears to ride Flamebringer.


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