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NeutralThe Thirty-three
Main leader IconSmall TaranZhu Taran Zhu
Race(s) HumanHuman Human
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
Base of operations Shado-Pan Monastery
Theater of operations Kun-Lai Summit, Pandaria
Status Disbanded
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Thirty-three is a name given to the thirty-three soldiers that defended Shado-Pan Monastery from the troll and mogu forces led by Khal'ak. The majority of them were members of the Shado-Pan.[1]


The Thirty-three were formed when Vol'jin, Chen Stormstout, Tyrathan Khort, and Brother Cuo escaped from Zandalari captivity on the Isle of Thunder. Knowing the Zandalari would come after them, Taran Zhu gathered the forces he could spare: a mere twenty-nine monks, with the addition of Taran Zhu himself and his three non-Shado-Pan guests. With numerous traps and skilled fighting, the Thirty-three successfully defended Shado-Pan Monastery, though most of them did not survive the battle.

Chen later hoped that the bards would do true justice with their songs to immortalize the heroic deeds of The Thirty-three.[2]

Named members[]

