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NeutralThe Twilight Mystery
Start Geologist Larksbane
End Geologist Larksbane
Level 15-30
Category Silithus
Experience 6200
Reputation +500 Cenarion Circle
Rewards 90s
Previous Vyral the Vile
Next N [15-30] The Deserter


Geologist Larksbane at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to collect 8 Twilight Tablet Fragments.


A camp of Twilight's Hammer cultists once thrived northwest of here. If you were to venture there now, you'd find the area swarming with elementals and nothing but scattered pieces of wood and canvas to mark the spot where the camp was.

I've recovered a few fragments of a clay tablet from the site, but I have too few of them to piece together anything useful. See if you can find the remaining tablet fragments so we can shed some light into the Twilight's Hammer presence here in Silithus.


You will receive:


The ravaged camp can be found northwest of here. Come back when you have all the fragments.


Just as I suspected. I can decipher individual words in the tablets but they appear to be devoid of any logic or meaning. It's not unknown for Twilight's Hammer sects to use a code to hide the meaning of their texts; we'll have to go to someone who knows more about this sort of thing.


The Ravaged Twilight Camp is in the northwest corner of Silithus at coordinates 23,10. You can find the Tablet Fragments on the ground. They should be glowing blue.


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