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The Unbound Force
Spell azerite essence03
  • The Unbound Force
  • Major Power:
    • The Unbound Force
    • 40 yd range
    • 1 min cooldown
    • Instant
    • Unleash the forces within the Heart of Azeroth, causing shards of Azerite to strike your target for X Fire damage over 2 sec. This damage is increased by 300% if it critically strikes.

    Minor Power:
    • Reckless Force
    • Passive
    • When an ability fails to critically strike, you have a high chance to gain Reckless Force. When Reckless Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 50% for 4 sec.
Role Damage
"Destructive forces swirl around violently, waiting to be released."
Rank 2 Reduces the cooldown of The Unbound Force by 25%.
Reckless Force increases critical strike by an additional 20%.
Rank 3 When The Unbound Force critically strikes, immediately release another shard of Azerite at the target, up to a maximum of 5 extra shards.
Increases the duration of Reckless Force by 2 sec.
Rank 4 The Unbound Force gains an enhanced appearance.

The Unbound Force is an Azerite Essence obtained through the reputation factions in Nazjatar. This essence can only be used by DPS specializations.


Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.3.0 (2020-01-14):
    • Reputation requirements to purchase ranks 1, 2, and 3 reduced to Friendly, Honored, and Revered (was Honored, Revered, and Exalted).
    • Spell azerite essence03 [The Unbound Force] Rank 1 damage increased by 40%.
    • Spell azerite essence03 [Reckless Force] Rank 1 duration changed to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds).
    • Reckless Force Rank 3 increase of duration increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second).
    • When the Reckless Force buff is applied, The Unbound Force spell icon becomes highlighted.
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.2.0 (2019-06-25): Added.

External links[]

Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4