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For the Classic quest, see H [10] The Venture Co..
HordeThe Venture Co.
Start Morin Cloudstalker
End Morin Cloudstalker
Level 1-30
Category Mulgore
Experience 625
Reputation +250 Thunder Bluff
Rewards 1s 75c
Previous H [1-30] The Ravaged Caravan


Kill 7 Venture Co. Workers for Morin Cloudstalker at Bloodhoof Village.


This explains the buildup of Venture Co. employees and equipment we've seen in Mulgore. Those goblins... their company is expanding too quickly for their own good. It's how they say, show a goblin something, and you can hear the scales in the background.

Greedy little things, they are. Unfortunately for their business enterprise, we tauren cannot allow them to conduct their operations in our lands. Go to their mine northeast of the ravaged caravan and send them a message.


You will receive: 1s 75c


The Venture Co. was refused mining rights here in Mulgore, but it would seem that they do not take no for an answer. We tauren are not ones to mince words, however, and we have other ways of getting our message across.


I don't think there could be too much misinterpreting or ignoring of that signal, hm? The Venture Co. will know not to take the tauren lightly, or to be so arrogant as to believe we would allow them to steal the natural resources around us without protest.


This quest should be done at the same time as H [1-30] Supervisor Fizsprocket.


  1. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] A Bundle of Hides
  2. H [1-30] Ride to Thunder Bluff
  3. H [1-30] Tal the Wind Rider Master
  4. H [1-30] Return to Varg
  • Morin Cloudstalker questline:
  1. H [1-30] Morin Cloudstalker (optional breadcrumb)
  2. H [1-30] The Ravaged Caravan
  3. H [1-30] The Ravaged Caravan
  4. H [1-30] The Venture Co. / H [1-30] Supervisor Fizsprocket
  • Grimtotem questline (Tauren only):
  1. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Poison Water
  2. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Winterhoof Cleansing
  3. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Thunderhorn Totem
  4. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Thunderhorn Cleansing
  5. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Rite of Vision
  6. H IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female [1-30] Rite of Vision (to Camp Sungraze)

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