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NeutralThe Waking Shores Tour
Start Celormu
End Celormu
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 11,350
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60-62] A New Set of Horns
Next N [62-65] The Ohn'ahran Plains Tour


Fly each of the race courses in the Waking Shores.

  • Ruby Lifeshrine Loop
  • Wild Preserve Slalom
  • Emberflow Flight
  • Apex Canopy River Run
  • Uktulut Coaster
  • Wingrest Embassy Roundabout
  • Flashfrost Flyover
  • Wild Preserve Circuit


And what is the most fun about dragonriding? Races!

My bronze colleagues have mapped out race courses all over the Dragon Isles. It is such a varied and dynamic landscape that it just begs to be explored at top speed.

If you find yourself near one of our race courses in The Waking Shores, why not give it a go?


You will receive:

  • 51g 48s
  • 11,350 XP


Well done! You are getting a handle on dragon racing just as quickly as I thought you would.

And that was just the beginning. Next up is the Ohn'ahran Plains!


  1. N [60-62] The Waking Shores Tour
  2. N [62-65] The Ohn'ahran Plains Tour
  3. N [65-68] The Azure Span Tour
  4. N [68-70] The Thaldraszus Tour
  5. N [60-70] The Waking Shores Advanced Tour
  6. N [60-70] The Ohn'ahran Plains Advanced Tour
  7. N [60-70] The Azure Span Advanced Tour
  8. N [60-70] The Thaldraszus Advanced Tour
  9. N [60-70] The Waking Shores Reverse Tour
  10. N [60-70] The Ohn'ahran Plains Reverse Tour
  11. N [60-70] The Azure Span Reverse Tour
  12. N [60-70] The Thaldraszus Reverse Tour
  13. N [60-70] The Challenge Tour

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