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Start | Elder Nappa[12.4, 49.4] |
End | Elder Nappa[12.4, 49.4] |
Level | 65-68 |
Category | The Azure Span |
Experience | 7,850 |
Reputation | +200 Iskaara Tuskarr |
Rewards |
26![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Tell Elder Poa a fishy tale.
- Story told
My dearest wife, Poa, is an excellent storyteller.
But it's been thirty years, and she tells the same ones over and over again! Please, <class>, talk to Poa and give her a new story to tell.
What's that? Tell her a story about your adventures? Don't be ridiculous -- I don't want to hear about that! The greatest stories are always about fish. Tell a story about fish, even if you have to make one up!
You will receive:
- 26
- 7,850 XP
- +200 reputation with Iskaara Tuskarr
I'm waiting...
Thank goodness, a new story.
Let's hear it!
Speak with Elder Poa:
- Have you come to hear a tale, traveler?
I have come to tell YOU a tale, Elder.
- You think you have a story worthy of my time? Well! We shall see about that, won't we?
It's about the greatest fish anyone has ever caught...
- Oh really?
- You have my attention.
- How did you catch this "legendary" fish?
By collecting all the rarest fish across the many lands and crafting them into the most irresistible lure.
By slaying a horde of terrible demon fish with nothing but my bare hands!
By doing a handstand and fishing upside down, of course!
- Did you, now?
- And what exactly was it you caught?
A perfectly average fish.
The biggest shark you've ever seen!
Some weird half-seal, half-squid... thing!
- Your powers of description are overwhelming.
- Well? What happened next?
It slipped from my hands and tried to flop back into the water!
It drew a sword and tried to kill me!
It suddenly spoke and whispered to me promises of great power...
- Hmmm... sure it did.
- And then?
I killed and ate it, of course.
I threw it back into the ocean, of course!
- A wise choice.
- Interesting. You are not the most gifted of storytellers, but there is something here. Even if you made it all up.
- Give me a moment and I will weave your tale into something usable.
On completion, Poa will then retell the player's story. Each line corresponds to a given choice.
The first line:
- Elder Poa says: One day, the great fisher <name> decided to make a lure by collecting all the rarest fish across the lands. Over land and sea they traveled, and even to other worlds! When finally it was crafted, they caught...
- Elder Poa says: One day, long ago, the great hero <name> was fishing when they were suddenly beset by a horde of monstrous demon fish! They fought the horde off with their bare hands, only to fish up...
- Elder Poa says: One day, the notorious fisher <name> thought of the new best way to catch fish - by standing on their head! For three days they remained in this pose, until finally they caught...
The second:
- Elder Poa says: A seemingly perfectly average fish.
- Elder Poa says: A mighty shark, with dorsal fins like mountains and teeth the size of mammoth tusks!
- Elder Poa says: The strangest creature mortal eyes have ever seen! It had a face like a ducking, the torso of a seal, and the tentacles of a giant, toothy squid!
The third:
- Elder Poa says: Writhing in <name>'s hands, the creature slipped from their grip! It thrashed about and <name>, looking equally foolish, floundered around trying to catch it! It took far too long to recapture the creature, and many an onlooker had a hearty laugh at the scene.
- Elder Poa says: Then, furious, the creature drew a mighty weapon, a spear the size of a storm cloud! It waved it in the air, threatening to strike the hero down!
- Elder Poa says: Only then, the creature opened its mouth to speak! it praised <name> for their skill and promised to give them power unimaginable.
And the last:
- Elder Poa says: But <name>, undaunted, promptly killed it and cooked it into the most delicious of soups, nourishing their family for weeks!
- Elder Poa says: Then, <name> threw it back into the ocean. They went on to fish in other waters, but never quite felt the same after that one catch...
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Added.