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AllianceThe Woodland Protector
Start Tarindrella
End Tarindrella
Level 3 (Requires 1)
Category Shadowglen
Experience 250
Reputation WoW Icon update+100 Darnassus
Wrath-Logo-Small+250 Darnassus
Rewards 3x Inv misc herb 01 [Healing Herb];
Inv pants 02 [Canopy Leggings],
Inv boots 01 [Tracking Boots],
or Inv gauntlets 05 [Viny Gloves]
Previous A [1-10] The Woodland Protector


Collect 8 Fel Moss and bring them to Tarindrella.


Something evil is brewing in the forests of Teldrassil. Look long the hills to where the peaceful furbolgs used to dwell. They have deserted their homes and are amassing under the name of the Gnarlpine tribe.

Only the corruption of wicked Fel Moss could cause such a transformation. The grells and grellkin have infested the area and are threatening the residents of Shadowglen.

Engage these grells and grellkin, <name>, and see if they are indeed caught under the enchantment of the wicked Fel Moss.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants 02 [Canopy Leggings] Inv boots 01 [Tracking Boots]
Inv gauntlets 05 [Viny Gloves]

You will also receive:


Satisfy my suspicions, <name>.  Bring to me 8 Fel Moss.


Your service to the creatures of Shadowglen is worthy of reward, <name>.

You confirmed my fears, however.  If the grells have become tainted by the Fel Moss, one can only imagine what has become of the Gnarlpine tribe of furbolgs who once lived here.

Should you find yourself in Dolanaar, able <class>, seek out the knowledgeable druid, Athridas Bearmantle.  He shares our concern for the well being of the forest.

Notes and trivia[]

  • Inv misc herb 06 [Fel Moss] can drop from any of the Grell and Grellkin mobs in Shadowglen. Two grell-infested furbolg camps can be found directly west of Tarindrella's position, in Shadowglen's southwest corner.
  • During the Cataclysm beta, this quest's ID was repurposed for a new quest, A [3] Demonic Thieves. However, the final version of the new quest was given its own ID, leaving the beta version unfinished and unused.


  1. A [1] The Woodland Protector
  2. A [3] The Woodland Protector

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