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NeutralThe You-ga Class
Start Xijan Thornpaw
End Xijan Thornpaw
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 8,200
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards 27g 62s
Previous N [68-70] Serene Dreams
Next N [68-70] Precious Baby


Find the instructor and 6 you-ga students.


Everything was going so well, but now? Elementals are causing some, um, mild challenges.

Our guests were enjoying the facilities when suddenly, all these elementals appeared! Those nasty fiends have disrupted everything. Probably even the new you-ga instructor.

Oh yes, you-ga is a new type of stretching that helps you meditate at the same time. I am sure both teacher and students are so relaxed they do not even notice the elementals.

Still, better to be safe than sorry. Please, look for them.


You will receive:


Have you found anyone? Check around the you-ga area below us!


Hopefully this experience won't tarnish their reviews!


Rescuing Fleur Starling
Fleur Starling says: I suppose I'd better let the manager know the status of the class, seeing as the students are hiding in the bushes...
Rescuing Terrorized Spa Guest
  • Terrorized Spa Guest says: I can't relax while getting lit on fire!
  • Terrorized Spa Guest says: I cannot relax while getting lit on fire!
  • Terrorized Spa Guest says: These elementals are ruining my vacation! Where is the manager?
  • Terrorized Spa Guest says: This is ridiculous! I was in the middle of a you-ga class.
  • Terrorized Spa Guest says: This is worse than the Pyre festival! At least there I had a burned tent!
  • Terrorized Spa Guest says: Those elementals appeared just as I was about to relax!
Upon completion
Fleur Starling runs up to Xijan Thornpaw, cutting line.
Elzara says: How dare you! I am next patron in line!
Fleur Starling says: Oh, pardon me!
Fleur Starling says: Xijan, for some reason my you-ga students are uncomfortable with the idea of continuing their lessons below. May we use the open grass near the gliders?
Xijan Thornpaw says: Yes, you may. Thank you for continuing the classes, despite the odd conditions.
Fleur Starling says: You are most welcome!
Fleur Starling says: Please consider joining us, <name>. Your level-headed attitude is inspiring.
Elzara says: A-HEM!


  1. N [68-70] Relaxation Time!
  2. N [68-70] Serene Dreams
  3. N [68-70] The You-ga Class, N [68-70] Steam Cleaning & N [68-70] Some Favorite Things
  4. N [68-70] Precious Baby & N [68-70] Look at the Bones!
  5. N [68-70] Enforced Relaxation

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