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MobThel'zan the Duskbringer
Image of Thel'zan the Duskbringer
Gender Male
Race Lich (Undead)
Level 15-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Scourge
Occupation Commander of the Scourge forces assaulting Wintergarde Keep.
Location Wintergarde Mausoleum, Dragonblight
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable Wrath-Logo-Small
Relative(s) Minion of Thel'zan (minion)

Thel'zan the Duskbringer is a lich located in the Wintergarde Mausoleum in the Dragonblight. He is the commander of the Scourge forces assaulting Wintergarde Keep.

It is revealed that Thel'zan was formerly Father Inigo Montoy of the Brotherhood of the Light. The treacherous priest who was given Inv misc urn 01 [The Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad] which — as it was not destroyed — allowed the Archlich to regain corporeal form. It appears that Montoy becoming a lich was some kind of reward from the Lich King.


  • Spell frost chainsofice Chains of Ice — Forms icy chains around the enemy, locking the target in place for 10 sec.
  • Spell frost frostarmor02 Chilled — Chills attackers, slowing their movement by 50% and their attack speed by 25%.
  • Spell frost frostarmor02 Frost Armor — Encases the caster in a layer of frost that lasts 10 sec. The thick ice increases armor by 1558, slows melee attackers' movement to 50%, and increases the time between their attacks by 25%.
  • Spell frost frostbolt02 Frostbolt — Inflicts Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed for 4 sec.
  • Spell frost frostbolt02 Frostbolt Volley — Inflicts Frost damage to nearby enemies, reducing their movement speed for 4 sec.
  • Spell shadow soulleech 3 Scream of Chaos — Fears all nearby enemies for 10 sec.

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Main article: An End And A Beginning#Notes

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