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NeutralTheory in Practice
Start Tyrgon
End Tyrgon
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 650
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60-62] Identifying the Source & N [60-62] Bring In the Expert


Assist Tyrgon to heal the creature.

  • Treat the whelpling
  • Name the whelpling


<Name>, I require your assistance...

I hope no one was expecting me to craft, subdue the whelp, heal, and teach these children all at once! Multitasking like that is certainly overrated.

Now, you can start by using those flowers. I'll need a couple minutes to prepare myself to heal the proto-whelp.

Hopefully, the children will find this incident... instructional.


You will receive:


Where on earth did they get the idea we wouldn't help them? I need to investigate this further...


Great work, <name>! I hope the younglings learned a valuable lesson... or a memorable one at least.

We will keep the whelpling here for a while as I need to ascertain the best occasion for returning it to Preserve.

I shall also make you an honorary Brave Researcher. Your commitment was essential for this creature's survival. I'll just advise you to tell me sooner if you see the children plotting something reckless again.

Now, if you excuse me, I must reevaluate my pedagogy. It's clearly not working.


Upon accept
Tyrgon says: Alright! We can finally treat this poor whelpling. Enough suffering.
Tyrgon says: Make a balm with those flowers and apply to this creature's wounds.
Treating the whelping
Tyrgon says: Terrific. Now let's speed up these healing properties.
Tyrgon channels the Light into the whelpling.
Twinkle says: Wow!
Ariel says: Whoa! It's sooo pretty.
Jolsai says: Are we gonna learn how to do that?
Ji-eun says: It's flying! It's healthy! We saved the little whelp!
Iyali says: Mister Tyrgon, are we, uh, keeping it?
Tyrgon says: What do you say, brave adventurer? Do they deserve it?

The whelpling is now Healthy Proto-Whelpling with the Happy and Healthy buff.

Speaking with Tyrgon
You did good, <name>.
I'm keeping the proto-whelp here for a while to make sure the healing effects are permanent before its reintroduction in the wild. That will also give these kids a "learning focus".
What do you say of choosing a name for the whelping?
Gossip (Quest) <Name proto-dragon whelp.>
The children gave me these options, but I think it's better you decide.
I don't want to be accused of favoritism.
Gossip Toughscale
Gossip Bob
Gossip Mr. Nibbles
Gossip Lord Firegiggle
Gossip Baron von Swoopenbite
Upon completion
Tyrgon says: Children, what do we say when someone helps us?
Nusall says: Thank you, friend.
Ji-eun says: Thank you very very very much!
Iyali says: Sorry for the trouble, brave <class>.

Completing the quest also awards the "Brave Researchers" criterion of Inv misc questionmark [Sojourner of the Waking Shores].


  1. N [60-62] Behavior Analysis "Homework" & N [60-62] Scientific Meat-thod
  2. N [60-62] Secret Research
  3. N [60-62] Identifying the Source & N [60-62] Bring In the Expert
  4. N [60-62] Theory in Practice

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