- 10
- There's Gold In That There Fountain
- Fish up the gold coins listed below from the Dalaran fountain.
- Criteria:
- [Archimonde's Gold Coin]
- [Arthas' Gold Coin]
- [Arugal's Gold Coin]
- [Brann Bronzebeard's Gold Coin]
- [Chromie's Gold Coin]
- [Kel'Thuzad's Gold Coin]
- [Lady Jaina Proudmoore's Gold Coin][Lady Katrana Prestor's Gold Coin]
- [Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider's Gold Coin]
- [Sylvanas Windrunner's Gold Coin]
- [Teron's Gold Coin]
- [Thrall's Gold Coin]
- [Tirion Fordring's Gold Coin]
- [Uther Lightbringer's Gold Coin]
There's Gold In That There Fountain is an achievement that requires to fish a range of gold coins from Dalaran's Fountain.
You gain the buff "Lucky" by throwing one of the gold coins in the fountain in Dalaran.
See also[]
Patch changes[]
- Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.