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AllianceThere Exists No Honor Among Birds
Start Hidalgo the Master Falconer
End Hidalgo the Master Falconer
Level 10-30
Category Howling Fjord
Experience 25150
Reputation +350 Valiance Expedition
+350 Explorers' League
Rewards Inv boots 08 [Flexible Leather Footwraps] or Inv chest cloth 33 [Fire-Purifying Tunic] or Inv belt 13 [Inescapable Girdle] or Inv chest plate11 [Light-Bound Chestguard]
9g 40s
Previous A [10-30] Falcon Versus Hawk


Hidalgo at the Explorers' League Outpost in the Howling Fjord wants you to use your Trained Rock Falcon to capture 8 Fjord Hawk Eggs.

Return to Hidalgo with the cage when you have completed this task.


You are most definitely ready for the next step in falconry, <name>.

Take your trained falcon east of here, to the vrykul hawk roost near the Stonewall Lift. From the roost you will send out your falcon to steal the eggs of the hawks. Their nests will be located in remote areas of the cliff walls surrounding the roost. Locate those nests and use your falcon to scavenge for the eggs!

Beware the fjord hawk matriarchs, <name>. Should you come under attack, use your falcon's escape and soar abilities to flee!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv boots 08 [Flexible Leather Footwraps] Inv chest cloth 33 [Fire-Purifying Tunic]
Inv belt 13 [Inescapable Girdle] Inv chest plate11 [Light-Bound Chestguard]

You will also receive: 9g 40s


You are in control now, <name>. Guide your falcon and bring me those eggs.


Bravo, <name>! Bravo! The bond of kinship between you and your falcon is strong! Perhaps you can run some reconnaissance missions against the vrykul in the not-too-distant future?


The Vrykul Hawk Roost is located due east of camp. It's a rock monument right by the edge of the cliff. Using the cage casts Ability eyeoftheowl [Eyes of the Beast] on your hawk. Action bar actions are now: Scavange (collect egg), Soar (+300% flight speed), Escape (confuse attacking bird). Take this opportunity to freely explore everywhere in reach within 5 minutes of the roost. The attacking birds hit the hawk hard (crushing almost always), so try to avoid combat. If you aggro a bird, target it, hit 3 (Escape), then 2 (Soar) and speed away.


  1. A [10-30] Trust is Earned
  2. A [10-30] The Ransacked Caravan
  3. A [10-30] Falcon Versus Hawk
  4. A [10-30] There Exists No Honor Among Birds

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