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AllianceThis Ain't Mine
Start Anduin Wrynn
End Anduin Wrynn
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [60] The Eve of Battle
Next A [60] Saving the Siege & A [60] Already Among Us & A [60] Strategic Deployment
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [60] This Ain't Mine.


Clear the pass of boulders, mines, and other obstructions between Razor Hill and Orgrimmar.


Your arrival is timely, <name>. Sylvanas's loyalists have collapsed part of the canyon path to Orgrimmar.

We are cut off from our vanguard and I fear that they will be destroyed if we cannot reinforce them quickly. Our forces are few in number. We cannot afford to leave them stranded for long.

Tinkmaster Overspark and Gazlowe believe they have a solution. Hurry and aid them however you can.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


Thank the Light you were able to open the pass.


We may have rejoined the vanguard, but Sylvanas's forces have been harrying our front line.


On accept:

Alleria Windrunner says: King Wrynn. May we speak?
Anduin Wrynn says: Of course.
Alleria Windrunner says: Our sister is patient. She knows we have precious few soldiers left. While we lay siege to Orgrimmar, she will whittle away at our numbers.
Alleria Windrunner says: But Sylvanas is not the only threat we face. The Old God has been freed. I can hear his whispers... sense his unseen tendrils writhing all around us.
Anduin Wrynn says: I know, Alleria. What are you suggesting?
Alleria Windrunner says: Sylvanas commands what may be the only army capable of defeating N'Zoth. For the sake of Azeroth... perhaps we should stand aside and let her.
Anduin Wrynn says: Your sister will not fight for us, Alleria.
Anduin Wrynn says: When Sylvanas realized the war was on the cusp of ending, she lured both fleets into Azshara's hands. Not to find victory, but to meet death.
Varok Saurfang says: "In the end, death claims us all." Eitrigg told me those were among the last words Sylvanas spoke to Vol'jin.
Anduin Wrynn says: We cannot wage two wars. Sylvanas must fall. Here. Now. Before all is lost.
Alleria Windrunner says: It shall be so, my king. Vereesa and I will scout her line for weaknesses. Good luck... to all of us.
The Windrunners depart.

Head outside to meet with Gazlowe and Tinkmaster Overspark, who have teamed up to upgrade the Mine-Bot 5000 to clear the way through the canyons.

Tinkmaster Overspark says: Ah! <Name>! You are the perfect candidate to control this magnificent application of tinkology!
Gazlowe says: We've souped up the Mine-Bot 5000 with a few choice improvements.
Tinkmaster Overspark says: Improvements made possible by my incredible genius!
Gazlowe says: Anyway! This baby should be able to clear out anything in its path. Mines, boulders... and some skulking assassins.

Interact with the control console.

Remote control the Mine-Bot 5000 to annihilate the boulders in your way. Use Z.A.P.S. to detonate the mines. Clear the canyon between here and Orgrimmar.

Use the nearby Mine-Bot 5000 Control to drive a Inv junkertank Mine-Bot 5000 to the boulders blocking the road to Orgrimmar. The Mine-Bot has two abilities: Boulder Annihilation (to break the boulders) and Z.A.P.S. (Zone Appropriate Protection System, to detonate mines and damage Loyalist Saboteurs on the route). Break 7 boulders and detonate 9 mines.

Use the Mine-Bot 5000's Self Destruct button to destroy the impassable boulders at the end of the canyon!

Once the way is clear, take the Mine-Bot to a set of impassable boulders and activate its Self-Destruct. You will be returned to the controls once this is done.

Gazlowe says: Hey! Would'ya look at that! The way is clear!
Tinkmaster Overspark says: Of course it is! Gnomish tinkology never fails!
Gila Crosswires says: The day was saved thanks to Tinkmaster Overspark's unmatched ingenuity!
Gazlowe says: Ugh. Whatever. Let's just get to the front.

If you happen to go too far away, a debuff will apply and the following text will appear.

You are losing connection to the Mine-Bot 5000. Return to the canyon immediately!

Take the nearby Armored Wyvern (optional) or fly up to the Dranosh'ar Blockade to meet with Anduin.


  1. A [60] The Eve of Battle
  2. A [60] This Ain't Mine
  3. A [60] Saving the Siege & A [60] Already Among Us & A [60] Strategic Deployment
  4. A [60] Before the Gates of Orgrimmar
  5. A [60] The Price of Victory
  6. A [60] Old Soldier

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