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HordeThis Time, Leave a Trail
Start Lilian Voss
End Lord Jorach Ravenholdt [76.9, 39.8]VZ-Broken ShoreBlip
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Rogue Campaign
Class Rogue Rogue
Experience 20,560
Rewards 38g 80s
Previous H Rogue [45] Rise Up
Next N Rogue [45] Meld Into the Shadows
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Rogue [45] This Time, Leave a Trail.


Rappel down into the cave, then follow Lilian's instructions.

  • Rappel used
  • Fel-Infused Gunpowder Cache picked up
  • Felfire Explosives placed (4)
  • Gunpowder lit


Here goes nothing, Shadowblade. If anybody can pull this off, you can! ...Probably. Just use the rappel point behind me to get into the cave.

What? Don't make that face. I'll give you more instructions once you're in the cave.


You will receive: 38g 80s


That couldn't have gone better if I had done it myself. Good work, Shadowblade.



Ability stealth [Stealth] is mandatory for this quest, but beware the Felhounds, which can detect stealthed targets. Don't forget to also use Ability sap [Sap] and Ability rogue distract [Distract] as needed.

Once you've planted the explosives, kill one of the Volatile Felblazes to light the gunpowder trail.

Quest accept
Lilian Voss says: Alright, use the rappel point. Down you go!
Rappelling down
Lilian Voss says: When you reach the ground, you'll see a barrel. It's full of the fel-infused gunpowder you... acquired.
Lilian Voss says: By the way, unless you're looking for a fel blade in the back, you might want to avoid being seen in here.
Gunpowder cache retrieved
Lilian Voss says: Good. The next step is simple--just get out of this cave without being seen. The gunpowder will do its job.
Lilian Voss says: Actually, one more thing. Plant some explosives around for a little extra "boom".
Placing explosives
While placing the explosives, the rogue adventurer overhears a conversation...
Gerax'rul says: The eve of our attack is nigh. Have you summoned the forces?
Barshagax says: I will notify the summoners shortly. They will open the portals on my word only.
Drak'thezzar says: Good... once they are through, the foolish "Legionfall Offensive" will stand no chance. Their demise shall be delivered.
Explosives placed
Lilian Voss says: Alright, the job's almost complete. Just get out of the cave and light the powder with the match Tethys gave you.
Lilian Voss says: Hold on... that drunken buffoon forgot, didn't he? You better find a way to light this powder, Shadowblade. I will not let this mission fail!
Gunpowder lit
The gunpowder lights up fast and travels deep into the Lost Temple. A surge of demons are seen attempting to flee, but fail to escape.
Fleet Admiral Tethys says: *sniff* That was... right beautiful, matey.


  1. B Rogue [45] The Pirate's Bay
  2. Complete all of:
  3. N Rogue [45] Fit For a Pirate
  4. B Rogue [45] Jorach's Calling
  5. N Rogue [45] A Bit of Espionage
  6. B Rogue [45] Rise Up
  7. B Rogue [45] This Time, Leave a Trail
  8. N Rogue [45] Meld Into the Shadows
  9. A Rogue [45] Champion: Tess Greymane / H [45] Champion: Lilian Voss

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