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Gender Male
Race Satyr (Demon)
Level 10-45 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darkgrove
Location Dreadroot, Val'sharah
Status Killable

Thondrax is a satyr found in Dreadroot in Val'sharah.


  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer red Amplified — Causes the caster to inflict 40% increased Physical damage.
  • Sha spell shadow shadesofdarkness nightmare Corrupt the Wild — Corrupting the Wild.
  • Sha spell shaman lavaburst nightmare Corrupting Flames — Inflicts Fire and Shadow damage, and continues to inflict damage over 8 sec. During this time heals cast on the target are absorbed.
  • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb purple Demonic Rift — Conjures a demonic portal for 18 sec. Every 3 sec., the portal casts Call Demon to create a Shadowflame Imp.
  • Spell shadow demonictactics Demonic Strikes — Infuses the caster with demonic power, increasing attack speed by 25% and causing attacks to inflict bonus Shadow damage and spawn Shadowflame Imps.
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer orange Enhanced — Causes the caster to inflict 25% increased Physical damage.
  • Spell shadow shadowfury Erupting Shadow — Creates a line of Erupting Shadows in a frontal direction, inflicting Shadow damage to any targets caught in their wake.
  • Ability bossfelorcs necromancer purple Imbued — Causes the caster to inflict 30% increased Physical damage.
  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows Shadow Wreath — Manifests a wreath of shadow energy around enemies for 15 sec. Touching the wreath causes it to explode, inflicting high Shadow damage to anyone within 10 yards, knocking them away from the wreath's location.
  • Spell shadow mindtwisting Vortex — Channels a vortex of shadow energy over 9 sec, inflicting Shadow damage to enemies every second outside of the center of the vortex.


Objective of[]


  • You will not stop the spread of the Nightmare!

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