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For the Shattered Halls subzone, see Throne of the Damned (Shattered Halls).
Throne of the Damned SoD

Throne of the Damned

Crown of Gorgoa

The Throne's entrance, as seen when entering the Crown of Gorgoa

The Throne of the Damned is the sanctum of Kel'Thuzad and his minions on the western side of the Crown of Gorgoa in the Sanctum of Domination. The Throne's interior echoes Kel'Thuzad's own appearance, with a ceiling supported by pillars of ice.

After Kel'Thuzad is killed, Bolvar, Thrall, Jaina, and the Four Horsemen arrive to the Throne and (on non-Raid Finder difficulties) create a death gate to the final section of the raid, the Pinnacle of Domination.

Notable inhabitants[]

After Kel'Thuzad's defeat

See also[]
