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  • Thundering
  • Enemies have 5% more health. While in combat, players are periodically overcharged with primal power from Raszageth's unending storm. This power comes with great risk, and failure to discharge it quickly can have stunning consequences.

Thundering is the Dragonflight Season 1 affix for Mythic+. It is applied as a seasonal 4th affix that is added to every Inv relics hourglass 02 [Mythic Keystone] at level 10 or higher.

Every 60 seconds in combat, all players will receive either Mark of Lightning or Mark of Wind. Both marks will increase damage and healing by 30%, and make you immune to roots and slows, for 15 seconds. If the mark expires while another player has the opposite mark, it will cause an overload. Overloaded players are stunned and take nature damage every second for 5 seconds. Touching a player with the opposite mark will remove both of them without causing an overload.

Patch changes[]

  • Dragonflight Hotfix (2023-01-23): Mark of Wind now prefers tank specialized players.
The combination of Thundering will now be 2 Mark of Lightning and 3 Mark of Wind. The tank will always be Mark of Wind.

External links[]
