Tigule's Strawberry Ice Cream is the most famous ice cream on Azeroth and a favorite treat of kids everywhere!
This item can be purchased for 5 from:
- Brivelthwerp <Ice Cream Vendor> in Thousand Needles
- Matron Tikkit <Innkeeper> in Garadar, Nagrand
- Caregiver Isel <Innkeeper> in Telaar, Nagrand
And during Children's Week from:
- Alowicious Czervik <Sweet Treats> in Orgrimmar
- Emmithue Smails <Sweet Treats> in Stormwind City
And during Hallow's End from:
- Rachelle Gothena <Hallow's End Treats> in Orgrimmar
- Katrina Shimmerstar <Hallow's End Treats> in Ironforge
Objective of[]
- Bad Example: Eat one with your orphan out.
Patch changes[]
- Hotfix (2021-07-27): Renamed from Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream.