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NeutralTime-Lost Trader
Image of Time-Lost Trader
Gender Female
Race(s) Draenei, High elf, Human, Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Kul Tiras; Zandalar; Nazjatar; Mechagon Island
Time-Lost Trader high elf

High elf version.

Time-Lost Traders are female humanoids rarely encountered in Kul Tiras, Zandalar, Nazjatar, and Mechagon Island when closing time rifts with the Inv tailoring 815 synchronousthread [Synchronous Thread]. They sell a number of recipes that have previously been very rare or unavailable.


Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Azure Silk Cloak]
50 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Belt of the Archmage]
100 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Cindercloth Gloves]
75 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Cindercloth Vest]
75 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Cloak of Warding]
100 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Felcloth Gloves]
100 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Icy Cloak]
50 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Inferno Gloves]
100 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Mooncloth Gloves]
100 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Robe of Winter Night]
100 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin
Inv inscription 80 scroll [Pattern: Robes of Arcana]
75 Embroidered Deep Sea Satin


  • Pardon me, but has the Well of Eternity been destroyed yet? ... or MADE yet?
  • Hello? Can you see me? When in Azeroth am I...?
  • Does the word "orc" mean anything to you?
  • Unfortunately that's all the time I have. I must be off now. It was a pleasure to meet you!


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Due to their appearance and situations, the Time-Lost Traders might be Custodians of Time.

Patch changes[]

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