Time Anomaly Row 10 mage talent Passive At any moment, you have a chance to gain Arcane Surge for 6 sec, Clearcasting, or Time Warp for 6 sec. At any moment, you have a chance to gain Combustion for 5 sec, 1 Fire Blast charge, or Time Warp for 6 sec. At any moment, you have a chance to gain Icy Veins for 8 sec, Fingers of Frost, or Time Warp for 6 sec. Properties Class
Mage Talents Talent required
[ Time Manipulation] or [ Displacement] or [ Accumulative Shielding] Other information Affects
Time Anomaly is a mage class talent.
It is an exclusive choice node with [ Temporal Warp] .
Patch changes [ ]
Hotfix (2023-05-12): Time Anomaly Arcane Surges no longer overwrite active Arcane Overloads .
Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Redesigned as a row 10 class talent (was a level 50 Arcane talent).
Arcane: At any moment, you have a chance to gain Arcane Surge for 6 sec, Clearcasting, or Time Warp for 6 sec.
Fire: At any moment, you have a chance to gain Combustion for 5 sec, 1 Fire Blast charge, or Time Warp for 6 sec.
Frost: At any moment, you have a chance to gain Icy Veins for 8 sec, Fingers of Frost, or Time Warp for 6 sec.
Old: At any moment, you have a chance to gain Arcane Power for 8 sec, gain Evocation for 1 sec, or gain Time Warp for 6 sec.
Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Now grants [ Time Warp] for 6 seconds and no longer grants 4 Arcane Charges . Now available at level 50 (was 100).
Hotfix (2018-12-19): Time Anomaly will now correctly grant Arcane Charges when it activates.
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Converted from a rank 43 honor talent to a level 100 Arcane talent and redesigned. At any moment, you have a chance to gain Arcane Power for 8 sec, gain Evocation for 1 sec, or gain 4 Arcane Charges.
Old: Every 5 sec you have a 5% random chance to gain 4 Arcane Charges and Arcane Power for 8 sec regardless of its current cooldown.
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.
External links [ ]