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AllianceTime Keeper Kairoz
A Timeless Discovery
Anduin, Lorewalker Cho, Kairoz, and Wrathion
Start Watcher Lara [23.1, 71.6]VZ-Timeless IsleBlip
End Kairoz [34.5, 53.6]VZ-Timeless IsleBlip
Level 30-35
Category Timeless Isle
Experience 118,000
Rewards 100 Timeless Coin
9g 92s 50c
Previous A [30-35] Journey to the Timeless Isle
Next N [30-35] A Timeless Tour, N [30-35] Time In Your Hands
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [30-35] Time Keeper Kairoz.


Speak with Kairoz on the Timeless Isle.


You have found your way to the Timeless Isle, <class>. The bronze dragonflight is keen to investigate the mysteries of this place, but the island is dangerous, and we will need your help.

Midway up this beach, you will find a paved path to the east.

It will lead you the ancient Celestial Court. You will find Kairoz there, one of the Keepers of Time that we are working with.

Kairoz will answer any questions you might have. Be careful: The way may not be safe.


You will receive: 100 Timeless Coin


Ah! Well met, <name>!

I was told you would be coming, but had not expected you so soon.

...or has it been a long while? Is difficult to tell, here.

So! Shall we begin?


  • 118,000 XP


Head north along the Timeless Shore, then east to the Celestial Court. Kairoz is found sharing a table with Wrathion, Anduin Wrynn, and Lorewalker Cho!

On complete:

Anduin Wrynn says: What IS this place?
Kairoz says: A pandaren enigma, my young prince! A mystery in the mists.
Anduin Wrynn says: I've been here for hours and the sun hasn't moved...
Kairoz says: Exactly. Time is frozen in perpetuity. Cause and effect - rendered all but meaningless.
Anduin Wrynn says: What could create such a thing?
Kairoz says: I should like to find out! Perhaps it is related to the mists? Or the power that was unleashed in the sundering ten thousand years ago? We must investigate!
Anduin Wrynn says: Is it dangerous?
Kairoz says: Indeed. This place overturns our very notion of time, and how it shapes the universe.
Kairoz says: Stranded on this island you will find the most dangerous creatures in all of Pandaria. Explore if you must, Prince Anduin. But be cautious.
Anduin Wrynn says: I will.



  1. B [30-35] A Flash of Bronze...
  2. B [30-35] Journey to the Timeless Isle
  3. B [30-35] Time Keeper Kairoz
  4. N [30-35] A Timeless Tour & N [30-35] Time In Your Hands
  5. N [30-35] The Essence of Time
  6. N [30-35W] Empowering the Hourglass
  7. Next quest in the series
    1. N [30-35] A Vision in Time
    2. N [30-35] Refining The Vision
    3. N [30-35] Seeking Fate
    4. N [30-35] Hidden Threads
    5. N [30-35] Courting Destiny
    6. N [30-35] One Final Turn


  1. N [30-35] The Last Emperor
  2. N [30-35] Timeless Nutriment
  3. N [30-35] Wayshrines Of The Celestials
  4. N [30-35G Daily] Path of the Mistwalker
  5. N [30-35] Drive Back The Flame
  6. N [30-35G] The Archiereus Of Flame

Rolo's Riddle:

  1. N [30-35] Rolo's Riddle
  2. N [30-35] Rolo's Riddle
  3. N [30-35] Rolo's Riddle

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