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AllianceTime for War
Start Halford Wyrmbane
End Halford Wyrmbane
Level 35-60
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 16,450
Rewards Inv radientazeritefragment [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (500 Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite])
19g 40s
Previous A [35-60] The War Cache
Next A [35-60] Mission from the King
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-60] Time for War.


Report to Halford Wyrmbane in Boralus.


You should return to Commander Wyrmbane to begin working with the 7th Legion.


You will receive:


<Halford looks over the gathered resources.>

This should do it.


On complete:

Anduin Wrynn says: As one of the Alliance's greatest heroes, you will play a crucial role in achieving victory in this war.
Anduin Wrynn says: To aid your efforts, you will have the full support of the Alliance's finest soldiers--the 7th Legion, under the leadership of High Commander Halford Wyrmbane.
Wyrmbane briefly looks up from his papers.
Halford Wyrmbane says: An honor to work with you, <name>.
Anduin Wrynn says: For those situations that require a more... subtle approach, Master Mathias Shaw and his SI:7 operatives are at your disposal.
From the bow, Shaw acknowledges you.
Master Mathias Shaw says: Champion.
Anduin Wrynn says: My duties require that I return to Stormwind, but I look forward to hearing of your progress. I am confident that this campaign is in the right hands. Good luck to you all.
Anduin puts on his helm and disembarks.
Master Mathias Shaw says: Safe travels, my king.
Halford Wyrmbane says: Light be with you, King Wrynn.
Master Mathias Shaw says: Well then, <name>, no time like the present to get underway. We have an operative ready to undertake an important mission.

Falstad Wildhammer offers the next quest, A [35-60] Mission from the King.


  1. A [35-59] The War Campaign
  2. A [35-60] The War Cache
  3. A [35-60] Time for War
  4. A [35-60] Mission from the King
  5. A [35-60] War of Shadows & A [35-60] The Zandalar Campaign
  6. A [35-60] Reinforcements
  7. A [35-60] Adapting Our Tactics
  8. A [35-60] The Ongoing Campaign
  9. Island Expedition intro: (after second foothold)
    1. A [40-60] Island Expedition
    2. A [40-60] Island Expedition
  10. A [40-60] The Final Foothold (after Island Expedition)
  11. A [60] A Mission of Unity
  12. A [60] Uniting Kul Tiras

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