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NeutralTini Smalls
Image of Tini Smalls
Title <Classic Horde Cloth & Leather>
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Area 52, Netherstorm[33, 64]VZ-NetherstormBlip

Tini Smalls is a goblin vendor found in Area 52 in the Netherstorm. She sells vintage Horde PvP cloth and leather armor. In order to purchase from her you must have the appropriate Legacy achievement from the old PvP ranking system (eg: Horde Achievement pvp h 08 [Legionnaire]; Alliance Achievement pvp a 08 [Knight-Captain]).


Item Cost
Inv belt 24 [Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Belt] 39c
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Boots 30c
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Gauntlets 18c
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Grips 39c
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Treads 60c
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Boots 29c
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Gloves 19c
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Handwraps 39c
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Walkers 61c
Inv belt 08 [Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Wrap] 40c
Inv belt 24 [Replica Blood Guard's Leather Clasp] 39c
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Grips 39c
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Treads 28c
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Vices 19c
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Walkers 57c
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Boots 29c
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Gloves 20c
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Handwraps 40c
Inv belt 21 [Replica Blood Guard's Satin Waistwrap] 40c
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Walkers 58c
Inv belt 10 [Replica Blood Guard's Silk Cinch] 40c
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Footwraps 29c
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Gloves 19c
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Handwraps 40c
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Walkers 58c
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Headguard 57c
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Helm 28c
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Shoulders 57c
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Spaulders 28c
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Cowl 57c
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Hood 28c
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Shoulders 28c
Replica Champion's Dreadweave Spaulders 57c
Replica Champion's Leather Headguard 29c
Replica Champion's Leather Helm 57c
Replica Champion's Leather Mantle 30c
Replica Champion's Leather Shoulders 59c
Replica Champion's Satin Cowl 28c
Replica Champion's Satin Hood 60c
Replica Champion's Satin Mantle 60c
Replica Champion's Satin Shoulderpads 28c
Replica Champion's Silk Cowl 60c
Replica Champion's Silk Hood 29c
Replica Champion's Silk Mantle 60c
Replica Champion's Silk Shoulderpads 30c
Replica First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards 41c
Replica First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards 38c
Replica First Sergeant's Leather Armguards 37c
Replica First Sergeant's Leather Armguards 41c
Replica First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs 39c
Replica First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs 38c
Inv boots 08 [Replica General's Dragonhide Boots] 82c
Inv gauntlets 25 [Replica General's Dragonhide Gloves] 51c
Inv pants 06 [Replica General's Dragonhide Leggings] 1s 8c
Inv boots 05 [Replica General's Dreadweave Boots] 74c
Inv gauntlets 19 [Replica General's Dreadweave Gloves] 50c
Inv pants 07 [Replica General's Dreadweave Pants] 1s 2c
Inv pants 06 [Replica General's Leather Legguards] 1s 5c
Inv gauntlets 25 [Replica General's Leather Mitts] 52c
Inv boots 08 [Replica General's Leather Treads] 77c
Inv boots 05 [Replica General's Satin Boots] 80c
Inv gauntlets 27 [Replica General's Satin Gloves] 54c
Inv pants 07 [Replica General's Satin Leggings] 1s 10c
Inv boots 05 [Replica General's Silk Boots] 77c
Inv gauntlets 19 [Replica General's Silk Handguards] 52c
Inv pants 07 [Replica General's Silk Trousers] 1s 9c
Replica Legionnaire's Dragonhide Breastplate 38c
Replica Legionnaire's Dragonhide Chestpiece 77c
Replica Legionnaire's Dragonhide Leggings 77c
Replica Legionnaire's Dragonhide Trousers 38c
Replica Legionnaire's Dreadweave Leggings 38c
Replica Legionnaire's Dreadweave Legguards 78c
Replica Legionnaire's Dreadweave Robe 38c
Replica Legionnaire's Dreadweave Tunic 79c
Replica Legionnaire's Leather Chestpiece 77c
Replica Legionnaire's Leather Hauberk 38c
Replica Legionnaire's Leather Leggings 40c
Replica Legionnaire's Leather Legguards 77c
Replica Legionnaire's Satin Legguards 78c
Replica Legionnaire's Satin Trousers 38c
Replica Legionnaire's Satin Tunic 79c
Replica Legionnaire's Satin Vestments 38c
Replica Legionnaire's Silk Legguards 78c
Replica Legionnaire's Silk Pants 39c
Replica Legionnaire's Silk Robes 40c
Replica Legionnaire's Silk Tunic 79c
Inv shoulder 07 [Replica Warlord's Dragonhide Epaulets] 81c
Inv chest chain 16 [Replica Warlord's Dragonhide Hauberk] 1s 7c
Inv helmet 09 [Replica Warlord's Dragonhide Helmet] 80c
Inv helmet 08 [Replica Warlord's Dreadweave Hood] 76c
Inv shoulder 19 [Replica Warlord's Dreadweave Mantle] 76c
Inv chest leather 01 [Replica Warlord's Dreadweave Robe] 1s 2c
Inv chest chain 16 [Replica Warlord's Leather Breastplate] 1s 5c
Inv helmet 09 [Replica Warlord's Leather Helm] 78c
Inv shoulder 07 [Replica Warlord's Leather Spaulders] 78c
Inv helmet 08 [Replica Warlord's Satin Cowl] 81c
Inv shoulder 19 [Replica Warlord's Satin Mantle] 81c
Inv chest leather 01 [Replica Warlord's Satin Robes] 1s 9c
Inv shoulder 19 [Replica Warlord's Silk Amice] 74c
Inv helmet 08 [Replica Warlord's Silk Cowl] 81c
Inv chest leather 01 [Replica Warlord's Silk Raiment] 1s 10c



I bet ya think you're tough, eh, kid? I guess I might have something for ya if ya can hold your own in the arena. Good stuff, not like Krixel's. That's so last season, ya know?

Oh, and have a nice day.

Buy Let me browse your goods.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be related to Leeni "Smiley" Smalls.

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