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Image of Tinybell
Title <Stable Master>
Gender Female
Race Faerie (Humanoid)
Level 55-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Wild Hunt
Location Heart of the Forest, Ardenweald
Companion(s) Duster, Leggy, Rooda (pets)

Tinybell is a faerie located at the Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald. She later shows up at the Keeper's Respite in Korthia, offering a quest-like objective, finding Maelie the Wanderer.


Inv misc bandage 15 [Rope Pet Leash]
47s 50c


Gossip - Heart of the Forest

Greetings, <class>. I can assist you in recovering lost companions.

Buy I'm looking for a lost companion.
Gossip I'd like to heal and revive my battle pets.

Gossip - Korthia

I'm training Maelie to be a great steed, able to carry her rider fearlessly into the unknown!

But she's full of natural curiosity -- she tends to wander off a lot on her own. I need to keep her focused!

Gossip Where is Maelie right now?

That's a very good question, Maw Walker!
Maybe you can keep an eye out for her while adventuring in Korthia? Usher her back to me, if you find her.
Gossip after you get Maelie

I'm sure you and Maelie have become the best of friends!

When the horse is mounted next to her
<Name> and Maelie. It brings me great joy to see you together!

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Heart of the Forest Korthia