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VZ-Tiragarde Sound

Zone Map

The Tiragarde Sound storyline takes part in seven chapters, tracked by the achievement Alliance Inv misc seagullpet 01 [A Sound Plan].

The zone can be roughly divided into two halves, which can be done in any order.

Southern Tiragarde Sound[]

The main story in southern half of the zone plays out linearly and can't really be skipped ahead.

The Ashvane Trading Company[]

Starts from the Scouting Map in the Harbormaster's Office in Boralus.

  1. A [10-60] Tiragarde Sound
  2. A [10-60] The Smoking Gun
  3. A [10-60] The Ashvane Trading Company
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [10-60] Under Their Noses

Castaways and Cutouts[]

Continues from A [10-60] Under Their Noses.

  1. A [10-60] Sampling the Goods
  2. A [10-60] Stow and Go
  3. A [10-60] The Castaways & A [10-60] Lured and Allured
  4. A [10-60] Lovesick and Lost

These quests are not in the above quest chain, but are necessary to complete Castaways and Cutouts:

Not necessary for completion of Castaways and Cutouts


Continues from A [10-60] Lovesick and Lost.

  1. A [10-60] Freehold
  2. A [10-60] Papers, Please & A [10-60] The Irontide Crew
  3. A [10-60] Dress to Impress
  4. A [10-60] Rodrigo's Roost & A [10-60] Raise a Glass!
  5. A [10-60] The Big Job
  6. A [10-60] Fairwind's "Friends"

Defenders of Daelin's Gate[]

Continues from A [10-60] Fairwind's "Friends".

  1. A [10-60] Defenders of Daelin's Gate
  2. A [10-60] No-Landing Zone
  3. A [10-60] A Desperate Defense
  4. A [10-60] Farmers Who Fight, A [10-60] Air Raid & A [10-60] Numbing the Pain
  5. A [10-60] Hands Off My Booty!
  6. A [10-60] For Kul Tiras! & A [10-60] Cease Fire! & A [10-60] Righteous Retribution

Enemies Within[]

Continues from A [10-60] For Kul Tiras! and A [10-60] Cease Fire! and A [10-60] Righteous Retribution:

  1. A [10-60] Bearers of Bad News
  2. A [10-60] Prepare for Trouble
  3. A [10-60] Make Our Case
  4. A [10-60] Enemies Within & A [10-60] Clear the Air
  5. A [10-60] Hot Pursuit
  6. A [10-60] Proudmoore's Parley

Unlocks A [30-50D] Tol Dagor: The Ashvane Overseer (breadcrumb to Tol Dagor)

Southern Side Quests[]

Fizzsprings Resort[]

Breadcrumb at Bridgeport.

Optional breadcrumb: A [10-60] Left at the Port

  1. A [10-60] An Explosive Opportunity
  2. A [10-60] The Beauty of Marketing & A [10-60] Making Mysteries

Kennings Lodge[]

Breadcrumb in Bridgeport.

  1. A [10-60] The Hunters of Kennings Lodge
  2. A [10-60] Pardon Our Rust, A [10-60] A Grizzly End, A [10-60] A Hunt for Hawk Eggs
  3. A [10-60] Westward Noble
  4. A [10-60] The Start of a Monster Hunt
  5. A [10-60] Noble Responsibilities & A [10-60] Encase of Emergency

Winterdeep Mining Camp[]

Breadcrumb in Bridgeport.

Optional breadcrumb: A [10-60] An Overrun Mine

  1. A [10-60] Miner Operation & A [10-60] Pinch of Azerite
  2. A [10-60] Rock Meet Dynamite

Greystone Keep[]

Breadcrumb in Boralus, only appears after A [10-60] Lovesick and Lost

  1. A [10-60] Trouble at Greystone Keep
  2. A [10-60] Patching Up the Rear & A [10-60] Death from Two Sides
  3. A [10-60] Targeting a Turncoat & A [10-60] A Lesson on Trust & A [10-60] A Boralus Triple Threat & A [10-60] Free Bird

The Long Con[]

Starts in Freehold, awards Alliance Inv tortollanhead [The Long Con] upon completion at level 120.

  1. A [10-60] Aged to Perfection
  2. A [10-60] Trixie Business
  3. A [10-60] Carentan's Payment
  4. A [10-60] A Bad Deal
  5. A [50G3] The Long Con

Northern Tiragarde Sound[]

The Norwington Estate and The Shadow Over Anglepoint chapters can be completed independently of one another, but there is a breadcrumb to Anglepoint from Norwington.

The Norwington Estate[]

Breadcrumbs in Hatherford, Southwind Station or at the estate itself.

Optional breadcrumbs: A [10-60] The Norwington Festival, A [10-60] The Glory of the Hunt

  1. A [10-60] The Stoat Hunt & A [10-60] Bolas and Birds & A [10-60] An Element of Danger
  2. A [10-60] Runaway Rider
  3. A [10-60] Following Eddie's Trail & A [10-60] Saurolisk Escape & A [10-60] Troublesome Troglodytes
  4. A [10-60] The Lord's Behest
  5. A [10-60] Be Our Guest
    1. A [10-60] Safety First & A [10-60] Lucky Charm & A [10-60] Monstrous Energy
    2. A [10-60] The Perfect Horse, of Course
  6. A [10-60] Beginner Equitation
  7. A [10-60] Show Me What You've Got (optional)
  8. A [10-60] Equine Retrieval
  9. A [10-60] No Party Like a Trogg Party & A [10-60] Mountain Sounds
  10. A [10-60] Best In Show

The Shadow Over Anglepoint[]

Breadcrumb at Norwington Estate.

Optional breadcrumb: A [10-60] Anglepoint Wharf

  1. A [10-60] Aiding the Wharf
  2. A [10-60] A Cure from the Sea & A [10-60] Sharks in the Water & A [10-60] Stinging Barbs
  3. A [10-60] Algae Shakes & A [10-60] Pulse of the Wharf
  4. A [10-60] Evacuate the Premises & A [10-60] Tainted Shipments
  5. A [10-60] Possessive Headgear & A [10-60] The Young Lord Stormsong & A [10-60] Betrayal of the Guard
  6. A [10-60] Paddle to Safety
  7. A [10-60] Eldritch Invocations & A [10-60] Death in the Depths & A [10-60] Deep Sea Defilement & A [10-60] Those Aren't Fish Eggs
  8. A [10-60] The Deadliest Catch

Northern Side quests[]

Algerson Lumberyard[]

Breadcrumb in Boralus:

Optional breadcrumb: A [10-60] A Bundle of Furs

  1. A [10-60] Worker's Rights
  2. A [10-60] Maximizing Resources, A [10-60] Inventory Deficit & A [10-60] Time Off Requests
  3. A [10-60] Emergent Strategy
  4. A [10-60] Required Webinar, A [10-60] Pest Prevention & A [10-60] Incident Reports
  5. A [10-60] Witch of the Woods

Other side quests in the area:

Gol Thovas[]

Breadcrumbs in Hatherford and Southwind Station.

Optional breadcrumbs: A [10-60] Drust in Time, A [10-60] A Letter to the League

  1. Complete all of:

The Roughnecks[]

Breadcrumb at Norwington Estate.

Optional breadcrumb: A [10-60] The Roughnecks

  1. A [10-60] Hold Still & A [10-60] The Bears and the Bees
  2. A [10-60] Protect the Nests & A [10-60] An Offering of Eggs
  3. A [10-60] Roughneck Riders
  4. A [10-60] Big Boss
  5. Complete all of:
  6. A [10-60] Getting Paid

Fogcliff Strand[]

Breadcrumb at Norwington Estate.

  1. A [10-60] Save Our Shipmates
  2. Complete all of:



While Tiragarde Sound is an Alliance zone, Horde does have a short questline here, which is their counterpart to "Castaways and Cutouts"

  1. Optional breadcrumb: H [35-60] The Castaways
  2. H [35-60] My Favorite Things, H [35-60] Silencing the Sisters, H [35-60] Local Flavor, H [35-60] Blood in the Tides, H [35-60] Glimmering Locket