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Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare

To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before is an exploration achievement earned for using /love emote on each of the critters found across Azeroth.

It involves finding all of the critters in the game and using the /love emote on them. Two of the critters, the Borean Frog and Steam Frog, are exclusive to Northrend, and Ewes are exclusive to Outland.


Critter Location
Mob IconSmall Frog Borean Frog Wrath-Logo-Small Borean Tundra
Mob IconSmall Housecat Cat Elwynn Forest, Bc icon Eversong Woods, Bc icon Silvermoon City
Mob IconSmall Chicken Chicken Bc icon Azuremyst Isle, Bc iconBloodmyst Isle, Duskwood, Elwynn Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills, Redridge Mountains, Bc icon Shattrath City, Tirisfal Glades, Westfall
Mob IconSmall Cow Cow Elwynn Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills, Redridge Mountains, Westfall
Mob IconSmall Deer Deer Alterac Mountains, Ashenvale, Bc icon Azuremyst Isle, Blade's Edge Mountains, Darkshore, Darnassus, Elwynn Forest, Moonglade, Stonetalon Mountains, Teldrassil
Mob IconSmall Sheep Ewe Bc icon Shattrath City[59, 23]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip
Mob IconSmall Deer Fawn Wrath-Logo-Small Culling of Stratholme. Elwynn Forest
Mob IconSmall Gazelle Gazelle The Barrens
Mob IconSmall Rabbit Hare Durotar
Mob IconSmall Parrot Parrot Un'Goro Crater
Mob IconSmall GroundSquirrel Prairie Dog Arathi Highlands, Mulgore, Bc icon Nagrand, The Barrens, Westfall
Mob IconSmall Rabbit Rabbit Bc icon Azuremyst Isle, Bc icon Blade's Edge Mountains, Darkshore, Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Bc icon Eversong Woods, Hillsbrad Foothills, Wrath-Logo-Small Howling Fjord, Moonglade, Bc icon Nagrand, Redridge Mountains, Scarlet Monastery:Cathedral, Bc icon Silvermoon City, Stonetalon Mountains, Teldrassil, Tirisfal Glades
Mob IconSmall Ram Ram Loch Modan, Wetlands
Mob IconSmall Sheep Sheep Elwynn Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills, Wrath-Logo-Small Howling Fjord, Loch Modan, Redridge Mountains
Mob IconSmall Crab Shore Crab Azshara, Wrath-Logo-Small Borean Tundra, Wrath-Logo-Small Dragonblight, Cataclysm Northern Stranglethorn, Cataclysm The Cape of Stranglethorn, Cataclysm The Lost Isles, Cataclysm Twilight Highlands
Mob IconSmall Skunk Skunk Bc icon Azuremyst Isle, Bc icon Bloodmyst Isle, Wrath-Logo-Small Howling Fjord, Bc icon Terokkar Forest
Mob IconSmall Frog Small Frog Darnassus, Elwynn Forest, Wrath-Logo-Small Gundrak, Loch Modan, Maraudon, Cataclysm Northern Barrens, Cataclysm Southern Barrens, Sunken Temple, Teldrassil, Bc icon The Slave Pens, Bc icon Zangarmarsh
Mob IconSmall Squirrel Squirrel Ashenvale, Bc icon Azuremyst Isle, Bc icon Blade's Edge Mountains, Darkshore, Darnassus, Dire Maul, Dustwallow Marsh, Loch Modan, Bc icon Magisters' Terrace, Moonglade, Bc icon Nagrand, Stonetalon Mountains, Bc iconTerokkar Forest, Bc icon Zul'Aman
Mob IconSmall Frog Steam Frog Wrath-Logo-Small Borean Tundra
Mob IconSmall Piglet Swine Durotar[43, 30]VZ-DurotarBlip, The Barrens
Mob IconSmall Frog Toad Darnassus, Bc icon Eversong Woods, Bc icon Nagrand, Teldrassil, Un'Goro Crater, Wetlands



Here's a macro to spam when you are in the near vicinity of your target critters. The last line is optional, if you want the critter to stay targeted or not.

/tar Squirrel
/tar Chicken
/tar Rabbit
/tar Prairie Dog
/tar Cow
/tar Deer
/tar Frog
/tar Ram
/tar Cat
/tar Sheep
/tar Toad
/tar Skunk
/tar Shore Crab
/tar Swine
/tar Hare
/tar Gazelle
/tar Fawn
/tar Parrot
/tar Ewe
/stopmacro [noexists]


This is a combination strategy for the following achievements:

Howling Fjord

  1. Kill: Devouring Maggot, Utgarde Catacombs [57, 55]VZ-Howling FjordBlip, on the bottom pit with all the ghouls
  2. /love: Fjord Turkey, [67, 67]VZ-Howling FjordBlip
  3. /love: Fjord Penguin, [66, 83]VZ-Howling FjordBlip
  4. /love: Scalawag Frog, [36, 80]VZ-Howling FjordBlip
  5. Kill: Fjord Rat, [34, 78]VZ-Howling FjordBlip populated areas
  6. Kill: Roach, [36, 11]VZ-Howling FjordBlip

Grizzly Hills

  1. /love: Mountain Skunk, abundant throughout the zone
  2. /love: Grizzly Squirrel, abundant throughout the zone


  1. /love: Arctic Hare, [74, 70]VZ-Zul'DrakBlip
  2. Kill: Zul'Drak Rat, Amphitheater [45, 63]VZ-Zul'DrakBlip


  1. Kill: Spider, entrance
  2. Kill: Maggot, entrance
  3. Kill: Rat, abundant through the zone
  4. Kill: Larva, Plague Wing

Storm Peaks

  1. Kill: Gold Beetle: Halls of Lightning just behind entrance


  1. /love: Glacier Penguin, [69, 20]VZ-IcecrownBlip

Sholazar Basin

  1. /love: Sholazar Tickbird, [27, 60]VZ-Sholazar BasinBlip, near the Nesingwary Base Camp

Borean Tundra

  1. /love: Borean Marmot, abundant throughout the zone
  2. /love: Tundra Penguin, [38, 9]VZ-Borean TundraBlip
  3. Kill: Crystal Spider, Nexus around Mob Keristrasza
  4. /love: Borean Frog [70, 29]VZ-Borean TundraBlip
  5. /love: Steam Frog [68, 41]VZ-Borean TundraBlip


  1. Kill: Underbelly Rat - Dalaran, The Underbelly
  2. Now take the portal to Shattrath

Shattrath City

  1. /love: Chicken, [58, 69]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip
  2. /love: Ewe, [58, 23]VZ-Shattrath CityBlip

Terokkar Forest

  1. /love and kill: Squirrel
  2. /love: Skunk


  1. /love: Crab
  2. /love: Small Frog [82, 85]VZ-ZangarmarshBlip

Hellfire Peninsula

  1. Kill: Adder, [17, 48]VZ-Hellfire PeninsulaBlip
  2. Kill: Scorpion, [18, 47]VZ-Hellfire PeninsulaBlip
  3. Now go back to Shattrath
  4. Horde Horde take the portal to Orgrimmar, AllianceAlliance take the portal to Stormwind
  5. Horde From Orgrimmar, take the portal to the Blasted Lands and run to Swamp of Sorrows
AllianceFrom Stormwind, take the portal to the Blasted Lands and run to Swamp of Sorrows

Swamp of Sorrows

  1. Kill: Moccasin, [48, 45]VZ-Swamp of SorrowsBlip
  2. /love: Huge Toad, [45, 46]VZ-Swamp of SorrowsBlip
  3. Run back to your faction's flight master and fly to Thorium Point in Searing Gorge

Searing Gorge

  1. Kill: Fire Beetle, [44, 40]VZ-Searing GorgeBlip
  2. /love: Lava Crab, [43, 35]VZ-Searing GorgeBlip
  3. AllianceAlliance Fly to Sentinel Hill in Westfall, Horde should fly to Grom'Gol then run on foot to Westfall


  1. These three are scattered through the zone, with the mouse being the most rare
  2. Kill: Mouse, throughout zone
  3. /love: Prairie Dog, throughout zone
  4. Kill: Snake, throughout zone

Elwynn Forest

  1. /love: Fawn, [24, 83]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
  2. /love: Deer, [24, 82]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
  3. /love: Cow, [26, 75]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
  4. /love: Rabbit, [26, 77]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
  5. /love: Cat, [44, 52]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
  6. /love: Sheep, [65, 76]VZ-Elwynn ForestBlip
  7. AllianceAlliance should head to Wetlands, Horde Horde may want to travel to Wetlands last, so they can come from Undercity


  1. /love: Toad, [49, 58]VZ-WetlandsBlip
  2. /love: Ram, [49, 69]VZ-WetlandsBlip
  3. Travel to Barrens first if AllianceAlliance, or Durotar first if Horde Horde


  1. /love: Gazelle, [48, 58]VZ-Northern BarrensBlip
  2. /love: Swine, [53, 20]VZ-Northern BarrensBlip


  1. /love: Hare, throughout zone

Un'goro Crater

  1. /love: Parrot, [50, 17]VZ-Un'Goro CraterBlip


See also[]

  1. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before]
  2. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All The Squirrels Who Shared My Life]
  3. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All the Squirrels Who Cared for Me]
  4. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All the Squirrels I Once Caressed?]
  5. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All the Squirrels Through Time and Space]
  6. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All the Squirrels I Love Despite Their Scars]
  7. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All the Squirrels I Set Sail to See]
  8. Inv jewelcrafting crimsonhare [To All the Squirrels I've Loved and Lost]

Patch changes[]

  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Moved to Eastern Kingdoms exploration.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2012-09-28): Loving a Shore Crab in Azshara ... as you do ... now properly counts towards the Achievement "To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before".
  • Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.

External links[]
