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Start | Recruiter Lee [37.1, 43.1] |
End | Knight Dameron [19.0, 26.5] |
Level | 10-45 |
Category | Stormwind City |
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- For the Horde version of this quest, see
[10-45] To Be Prepared.
Visit Alliance forces in Stormwind Harbor.
- Armor polished [29.8, 43.0]
- Weapon empowered [30.1, 34.0]
- Last meal eaten [29.7, 29.9]
- Warmed up with a duel [33.6, 34.5]
Allies from across Azeroth have come to Stormwind to support our efforts against the Burning Legion. Before you ship out, you should pay them a visit. Every bit of preparation helps!
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[Signet of Stormwind] |
The Light protects those who protect themselves!
It's good to see you've prepared yourself. You never know what you'll be facing out there.
We've commissioned these rings for high-ranking members of the Alliance. May this one protect you in the battle to come.
From Recruiter Lee, take the stairs down to the bottom level of the harbor for the first three criteria. Additionally, there are three first aid crates that contain three each of [Blessed Bandage]. Once done there, go back to the mid-level and look for a circle of spectators west of Recruiter Lee. Talk to any of the named NPCs to initiate a duel.
- Approach Keg of Armor Polish
- Gussof Forgefire says: Got some o' the forge's best armor polish for the troops here, <name>. Don't be shipping off without gettin' some o' those scuffs out first.
- Approach Light-Infused Crystals
- Voraatios the Benedictive says: We have brought crystals infused with the Light from the Exodar. Allow us a moment to enhance your weapon before your battle with the Legion.
- Approach food tables
- Len-Shu says: Sit, friend, and enjoy this meal. You cannot fight on an empty stomach.
- Approach Medical Supply Crates
- Alasdair Whitepeak says: Hurry up an' finish blessin' those bandages, we need them to get off to the front!
- By the docks, Recruiter Burns
- Recruiter Burns says: Your ship is waiting at the end of this dock, <name>. Be careful out there.
- On the docks, Commander Sharp
- Commander Sharp says: Give them hell, <name>.
- By the ship, Knight Dameron
- Knight Dameron says: This is your ship, <name>. Light be with you.
[10-45] Legion: The Legion Returns
[10-45] To Be Prepared
[10-45] The Battle for Broken Shore
[10-45] The Fallen Lion
[10-45] Demons Among Us
[10-45] Illidari Allies
[10-45] Calling of the Council — to the next story arc
- Several garrison followers appear in Stormwind Harbor for this quest.
- A circle of followers can be seen watching a duel between Kiruud the Relentless and Seona Fireweaver, and can be asked for a duel themselves. These include Ramall Trueoak, Tessa Wybroff, Audra Stoneshield, Ciarra Neil, Navea the Purifier, Kihra, Antone Sula, Bridgette Hicks, Rorin Rivershade, Haagios, Fen Cinderpaw, Zelena Moonbreak, Eunna Young, Fingall Flamehammer, Lightshielder Baetrix, Niall Frostdrift, Kymba Quickwidget, Arctic Whitemace, Stormsinger Taalos, and Loranea.
- Matthew Deyling is giving a lecture on several different classes of demons, with Esmund Brightshield and Bloodrose conjuring images of them.
- Len-Shu, Su-Lai Snowpetal, and Haomi are seen both preparing and eating the food prepared for outgoing adventurers.
- Voraatios the Benedictive, Bemora and Loranea (who oddly appears in the dueling ring as well) are preparing light-infused crystals for the adventurers' weapons.
- Alasdair Whitepeak, Kinndy Brightsocket, Doc Lightspanner, and Brother Zuo (a Horde follower previously) can be seen blessing bandages for use on the Broken Shore.
- Lorcan Flintedge is found on Captain Angelica's departing battleship.
Patch changes[]
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.