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NeutralTo Iskaara
Start Brena [20.6, 35.6]VZ-Azure SpanBlip
End Brena [13.2, 49.6]VZ-Azure SpanBlip
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 9,800
Reputation +200 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards Inv misc questionmark Iskaara Tuskarr Renown
26g 91s 48c
Previous N [65-68] Tome-ward Bound
Next N [65-68] Gather the Family, N [65-68D] Brackenhide Hollow: To the Source (optional)


Meet Brena in Iskaara.


Thank you, <name>, for all your help. My family is safe because of you.

Now, we can finally return to Iskaara and see old Ponoliak taken back to the sea. He was my mentor, and a fine chieftain.

Please, you must join us! A celebration of the Cycle of the Sea is something all can share in.


You will unlock access to the following:

Inv misc questionmark Iskaara Tuskarr Renown — Unlock Renown levels for the Iskaara Tuskarr faction.

You will also receive:


I'm so glad you have come to join us.

I must ask you to be patient, however. There is still much to be prepared for the ceremony.


On accept:

Kalecgos says: I should get back to the Azure Archives now. I'm glad I was able to help your people, Brena.
Brena says: Nonsense, you must join us as well! Nothing could be more important than a warm bowl of soup after a difficult battle. And I thought you would want to discuss the other Gleamcoves!
Kalecgos says: Others? You know the locations of more ley lines?
Brena says: Oh, none so large as the one in Brackenhide. But there are many smaller ones scattered about. I have some maps I can show you once we reach Iskaara...
The three set off for Iskaara.
Entering Iskaara
Hanu says: Norukk, thank goodness you're safe.
Norukk says: Oh, yes yes! And I learned much! You see, the decay gnolls...

Approach the chieftain's hut in the center of town, where Kalcegos and a mirror image of Khadgar are wrapping up a conversation:

Kalecgos says: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll join you soon, but I think these tuskarr may have some valuable information.
Archmage Khadgar says: There's no need for concern. Everything is calm up at the tower, I have it perfectly under control.
Archmage Khadgar says: What a charming town! Why don't you relax a bit? Take it easy for once, Kalec.
Kalecgos says: I... yes. It's been a while. Please let me know the moment you need anything. I won't be long.


  1. N [65-68] Breaching the Brackenhide
  2. N [65-68] Ley Litter, N [65-68] Cut Out the Rot, & N [65-68] Echoes of the Fallen
  3. N [65-68] Tome-ward Bound
  4. N [65-68] Realignment
  5. N [65-68] To Iskaara
  6. N [65-68] Gather the Family
  7. N [65-68] The Cycle of the Sea
  8. N [65-68] Azure Alignment

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