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HordeTol Dagor: Jewel of the Tides
Start Shrine of the Sea
End Shrine of the Sea
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Dungeon
Category Jewelcrafting
Experience 35,700
Rewards 93g 60s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Jewelcrafting [50D] Tol Dagor: Jewel of the Tides.


Speak with "Slippery" Salton and learn what you can about the missing centerpiece.


<As you peer at the shrine in front of you, you can't help but revel at the construction of it.

Seamlessly constructed with azure jewels placed just so in a radial pattern, collapsing towards a single point.

A single, empty point. An absence you assume to be a mistake. Quickly surveying the area for something that might fit there, you find nothing.

However, there appears to be a drunk here shouting at the shrine. Perhaps he might know the whereabouts of the shrine's missing piece.>


You will receive:

  • 93g 60s
  • 35,700 XP


<Perhaps finding the missing centerpiece will give you a clue into the shrine's operation?>


<As you affix the gem back into the center of the shrine, a strange pulse emanates from it.

The shrine, now whole again, begins to hum with energy.>


  1. H Jewelcrafting [50] A Rocky Start
  2. H Jewelcrafting [50] Digging Through the Past
  3. H Jewelcrafting [50] The Shrine of the Dawning
  4. H Jewelcrafting [50] Out With the Old
  5. H Jewelcrafting [50] A Promising Beginning
  6. Complete all of the following:
  7. H Jewelcrafting [50] The Missing Chapter

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