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MobTomb Burster
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Title <Dread Crawler Queen>
Gender Female
Race Spider (Beast)
Level 58-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Revendreth
Status Killable
Relative(s) Dread Crawlers and Crawler Eggs (children)
Pet family Spider

Tomb Burster is a spider located in Dredhollow in southern Revendreth. She appears after all of the Crawler Eggs in the area near Funguss have been destroyed.

After Tomb Burster has been slain, Funguss can be freed from the webs he's trapped in.


  • Ability warlock everlastingaffliction Bursting Toxin — Spits a dark toxin at all nearby enemies, inflicting Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. Upon expiration, the toxin in each victim's body explodes, inflicting Shadow damage to all nearby allies.
  • Inv misc slime 02 Ebon Scourge — Injects the enemy with venom, inflicting Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
  • Inv misc web 01 Web — Shoots webs at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage and rooting the target for 2.5 sec.


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