- For other uses, see Tools of the Trade (disambiguation).
Tools of the Trade questlines were added in patch 8.1.5 and can be completed to earn a unique item for each of the crafting professions: Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring. The unique crafted items have unique effects. Each profession requires skill 150 to be offered the new quests.
[50] Casting the First Stone
- Complete both:
[50] Ocular Extracts
[50] Changing the Scenery
[50] A Possible Solution
- Complete both:
[50] A Deathly Draught
[50] A Stone's Throw
[50] Chemically Compounded
[50] A Recipe for Success
[50] A Recipe For the Ages
[50] Hammering Out Information
[50] Deep In the Core
- Complete both:
[50] Smash and Grab
[50] An Ear to the Ground
[50] Titanic Forging
[50] Therazane's Choice
[50] Anvil's Away
[50] What the Drust Knew
[50] A Voice on the Wind
[50] Pick Up Sticks
[50] The Sixth Sense
[50] Exhumed
[50] The Threads That Bind
[50] The Beat Goes On
[50] We're Going In
[50] Putting It All Together
[50] It's Scrap Work...
[50] In the Dunes
- Complete all of the following:
[50] Sethrak Persuasion
[50] Heavy is the Head
[50] Mechanical Liberation
[50] Tooling Around Vol'dun
[50] Vengeful Venture
[50] The Ub3r-Spanner
[50] Drawing Blood
[50] Turn to Drust
- Complete both:
[50] By the Book
[50] Sacrificial Writes
[50] Lines In the Sand
[50D] Temple of Sethraliss: Booking on a Favor
- Complete both:
[50] Penning In Protection
[50] Brush With Death
[50] The Final Verse
[50] A Test of Quills
Alliance version:
[50] A Rocky Start
[50] Digging Through the Past
[50] The Shrine of Storms
[50] Cracking the Surface
[50] Out With the Old
[50] A Promising Beginning
- Complete all of the following:
[50] The Shrine of the Eventide
[50] High Prospects
[50D] Atal'Dazar: Not All That Glitters...
[50] Polished Up
[50] The Shrine of the Sea
[50] Sun-Speckled Dunes
[50D] Tol Dagor: Jewel of the Tides
[50] Setting Things Right
[50] The Missing Chapter
Horde version:
[50] A Rocky Start
[50] Digging Through the Past
[50] The Shrine of the Dawning
[50] Out With the Old
[50] A Promising Beginning
- Complete all of the following:
[50] The Shrine of Nature
[50] The Shrine of the Sands
[50] Sun-Speckled Dunes
[50] Polished Up
[50] The Missing Chapter
Alliance version:
[50] The Aeonian Artisan
[50] The Audition
- Complete all of the following:
[50] Repaying the Debt
[50] The Other Ghostdancer
[50] Mevris' Menace
[50] Picking Bones
[50] Make Some Noise
[50] Instruments of Destruction
Horde version:
[50] The Tauren Tanner
[50] The Audition
- Complete all of the following:
[50] Repaying the Life Debt
[50] Dropping by the Base
[50] Bass Fishing
[50] Picking Bones
[50] Make Some Noise
[50] Instruments of Destruction
[50] A Friend in Needle
[50] A Stitch in Time
[50] Tearing at the Seams
- Complete both:
[50] Rolling Up the Sleeves
[50] The Severed Thread
[50] Step Into Her Shoes
[50] If The Shoe Fits...
[50] Seam Stress
[50] Saving Nine
[50] Killing Time
[50] Cut from the Same Cloth
Patch changes[]
Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Added.